By Meryl White
Impunity Watch Reporter, Western and Central Africa
KINSHASA, Congo – In the past ten years, more than 45,000 Congolese are killed each month by war, disease, and malnutrition. In total, the conflict in the Democratic Republic of Congo has cost the lives of over 5.4 million victims. According the International Rescue Committee (IRC), the war in DRC between the years of 1998- 2003 has resulted in more deaths than any other conflict following World War II.
Even though the civil war formally ended 5 years ago, “ongoing strife and poverty continue to take a staggering toll” on the welfare and livelihood of the nation. Presently, diseases such as malaria, diarrhea, pneumonia and malnutrition, are causing the Congolese people to die at such a staggering rate.
Richard Brennan, IRC Director of Global Health Programs stated that “most of the deaths are due to easily treatable and preventable diseases through the collapse of health systems and the disruption of livelihoods.” Humanitarian workers estimate that around 1,000 people die a day in DRC.
Relief can come through stronger assistance from the international community. The IRC has called for security reforms, and increased spending on basic health services. Moreover, the government would fare better with increased spending and monetary assistance to support the 17,000-strong United Nations peacekeeping mission in Congo.
Presently, the displaced people of the DRC just want peace. Domina Maniriho,a 37-year-old mother of six and a resident of the Mugunga, displaced persons’ camp was quoted as saying “We eagerly wait for the guns to fall silent, for Laurent Nkunda’s [forces] to give up their arms and we will return to our homes.”
On Monday, Congo reached an agreement with Nkunda to bring peace to the DRC. Rebel troops have promised to withdraw from some of their positions to make way for UN peacekeeping forces.
For more information, please see:
MSNBC- Congo conflict claims 5 million lives in 10 years – 22 January 2007
All Africa – Congo-Kinshasa: The Displaced Just Want Peace – 22 January 2007
The Age – Congo Strikes Truce with Army Rebels – 22 January 2007