African asylum seekers were deported from Israel and returned to Egypt, where they had originally been granted asylum. These 50 refugees also included some Darfur survivors. The Africans had fled to Egypt in order to escape genocide and other atrocities that refugees had faced while in their home nations. However, because of their maltreatment in Egypt the refugees later tried to flee to Israel. A Sudanese leader in Egypt reported in the Washington Post that the deported Africans “have escaped from an Egyptian reality of suffering very similar to that of Sudan — racism in the Egyptian street, killing by the authorities” and have not received help from the United Nations High Commissioner of Refugees. The refugees also fear that the Egyptian government will try to transport the refugees back to Sudan. However, Israeli officials asserted that part of the agreement with Egypt regarding the deportation of the refugees included an Egyptian promise not to send the Africans to their native countries. Yet, this promise does not fully relieve the deported immigrants fear. One of the fears is that if the refugees can be unilaterally moved without their consent or without following the internationally outlined protocol the refugees will always have to fear future movement.
Many refugees fled north to Egypt from Sudan and other war torn nations. The war in Sudan, which is centered on the western Darfur province, has caused hundreds of thousands of casualties. Therefore, those who are afforded the opportunity to escape the genocide in Sudan usually take the opportunity. Millions of people fled their homes in order to gain safety and protection. The Israeli and Egyptian governments must afford these survivors these basic rights, and if they are deporting the refugees they must follow internationally recognized standards to ensure the protection of the refugees.
IRIN. ISRAEL-AFRICA: Deportation of 50 Africans sparks concern. 22 August 2007.
NY Times. Israel Returns Illegal African Migrants to Egypt. 19 August 2007.
Washington Post. A Crisis of Conscience Over Refugees in Israel. 24 August 2007.