By M. Brandon Maggiore
Impunity Watch Senior Desk Officer, Africa
ABYEI REGION, Sudan – Reports Sunday of fighting between Misseriya tribesmen and fighters from the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement (SPLM) indicate 70 armed Arab nomads were killed in the oil-rich Abyei border region of Sudan. The actual number of dead and injured is disputed at this time.
The SPLM, a former rebel force, has shared power with the National Congress Party (NCP) since 2005. The SPLM governs the semi-autonomous Abyei region in southern Sudan. Eward Lino, spokesman for the SPLM , has accused the NCP of supporting the Misseriya in order to prevent the delineation of the border and prevent the countries census from taking place. The census is to start April 15th and last two weeks. The census is necessary to prepare for Sudan’s first democratic election in twenty-two years.
The Misseriya claims the SPLM remains in their territory and stated that as long as the SPLM is in Misseriyan territory problems will continue.
This is the second clash in the region since the 21st of December 2007. On that date, an Arab militia supported by Khartoum attacked an SPLA camp. One-hundred people were killed in that conflict.
The UN mission in Sudan is very concerned over the recent clashes and there is concern that the tensions, if not resolved, will threaten the 2005 peace agreement that ended the countries twenty-one-year north-south civil war in which two million people were killed. The civil war placed the Islamic Khartoum government against the largely animus and Christian rebels in the south.
For more information, please see:
BBC News – Arab nomads dead in Sudan clashes – 2 March 2008
Reuters – Dozens killed as Sudan nomads clash with ex-rebels – 2 March 2008 – Des affrontements entre nomades et ex-rebelles font 78 morts au sud Soudan – 2 March 2008