22 March 2009
American Soldier Seeks Asylum in Germany
By Karla E General
Impunity Watch Reporter, North America
WASHINGTON, United States – Andre Shepherd, an American Iraq veteran who has been in hiding in Germany since April 2007 after walking off the American army base in Katterbach, is seeking political asylum in Germany. “I could no longer support this illegal war in Iraq with a clear conscience…It has been proved that Saddam Hussein was not a direct threat to the United States and the war is simply being waged in order for the U.S. to gain access to raw materials in the Middle East,” said the 31-year-old Apache helicopter mechanic.
Shepherd’s case rests on a European Union law guaranteeing asylum to soldiers who are likely to face prosecution for desertion of military service that violates international law. Despite such a high likelihood of prosecution in their home country, over 25,000 other American soldiers have abandoned their military bases in opposition to the war in Iraq. Rudi Friedrich, a member of Iraq Veterans Against The War, weighs in on Shepherd’s asylum situation: “For us it’s quite clear that this war is wrong and contravenes human rights – which is why anyone who refuses to take part in this war, and is threatened with punishment and prison as a result, should be protected. That is exactly what the asylum laws here guarantee.”
Shepherd is the first Iraq veteran to apply for asylum in Europe, and there are widespread fears that a positive outcome in his petition for asylum may encourage the 60,000 American soldiers based in Germany to follow his tracks. Some argue that granting asylum to Shepherd would strain U.S.-German relations by recognizing the Iraq war as illegal. Wolfgang Bosbach, Christian Democrat politician, voiced concern with granting asylum to American soldiers: “A soldier deserting the army because his conscience no longer allows him to carry out his military duties is clearly not a reason for him to be granted political asylum here.”
The German immigration office will determine the outcome of Shepherd’s request within the next few months.
For more information, please see:
BBC – Asylum Dilemma For U.S. Deserter – 19 March 2009
Short News – U.S. Iraq Veteran Seeks Asylum in Germany – 19 March 2009
France 24 – U.S. Army Deserter Seeks Asylum – 18 March 2009