SUVA, Fiji — When interim Prime Minister Frank Bainimarama came to a power a year ago, he said that his coup was intended to restore the rule of law to Fiji and to eliminate racist corruption from the government. A major part of his plan has been the drafting and implementation of People’s Charter for Change and Progress. Bainimarama has stated that this document is intended to be the safeguard of all that his interim government has worked for. The question remained, however, of who would safe guard the the People’s Charter. Curiosity was put to rest, however, when Bainimarama told a group of reporters that the military would ensure that the People’s Charter was still enforced, even if a new party came to power in a future election.
While Bainimarama did not elaborate on what he meant by his remarks, Colonel Mohammed Aziz, a military spokesman, supported the interim Prime Minister’s remarks. He indicated the military’s involvement with law and order means that the military will always have a role to play in government. While he acknowledged that the exact language of the People’s Charter was still being worked on, he did say that the Charter stood for good governance, reconciliation and harmony among the races. If anyone steps out of line with these principles, the military will be there to step in.
Deposed Prime MInister Qarase has said that if his SDL party returns to power, his government will not abide by the People’s Charter, because it was created by an unconstitutional government.
For more information, please see:
Radio New Zealand International — Fiji’s interim prime minister says military will be guardian of People’s Charter — 05 December 2007
Fiji Times Online — Military has role to play in State — 05 December 2007
Marians Variety — Fiji interim PM: Military guardian of People’s Charter — 07 December 2008