Impunity Watch Reporter, Middle East
FALLUJAH, Iraq – On March 4 doctors in the Iraqi city of Fallujah reported an usually high level of birth defects. This has led to some individuals blaming the US and the weapons used by their forces while fighting opposition forces. Fallujah witnessed a great amount of violence in 2004 when US forces carried a major offensive against insurgents who had taken hold in the city. The US military responded to the doctors by saying that they were unaware of any official reports being released.
Samira al-Ani of the Fallujah General Hospital explained that while no data had been documented, “(he) can tell you that year by year the number is increasing.” The BBC announced that it had received reports regarding city officials who were warning women against having children because of the increasing problems with birth defects.
The level of heart defects six years after the city experience major combat is a cause of great concern among medical professionals in Fallujah. Doctors in the city reported that the level of heart defects among newborn babies is thirteen times higher than in Europe. Some doctors in the city have reported seeing heart defect cases as many as two to three times a day. Most of the defects seen by these doctors were reportedly cardiac defects.
Other birth defects are on the rise besides those related to the heart .A correspondent for BBC reportedly saw children throughout the city who were suffering from either brain damage or paralysis. Addtionally, the correspondent reported seeing a photograph of baby who warn with three heads. An Iraqi researcher, Malik Hamdan, told the BBC that she had “seen footage of babies born with an eye in the middle of the forehead, the nose on the forehead.”
Doctors and parents in Fallujah believe that the problem with their newborns are caused by the highly sophisticated weapons used by US forces in the city six years ago. During the assault on Fallujah during the height of the insurgency, US forces used white phosphorus munitions and allegedly used depleted uranium shells. US military forces said that while public health is a great concern, they were unaware of the number of birth defects in Fallujah.
For more information, please see:
BBC – Fallujah Doctors Report rise in Birth Defects – 4 March 2010
Telegraph – Birth Defects in Fallujah Children ‘On The Rise’ Since US Invasion – 4 March 2010
UPI – Report: Birth Defects Soar in Fallujah – 4 March 2010