HARARE, Zimbabwe – According to researchers of Amnesty International, the frequency and severity of beatings and torture of political opponents has increased since a mediation process began. South African President Thabo Mbeki has been facilitating the mediation between the government and opposition leaders, on behalf of the Southern Africa Development Community (SADC), in hopes of resolving their issues.
The report was released after the researchers returned from Zimbabwe earlier this week. According to the organization, several identified police units have been responsible for the ongoing violence against human rights and opposition groups, mainly the Movement for Democratic Change (MDC). The report is a summary and analysis of evidence and accounts from a range of sources including victims, doctors and lawyers.
According to the report, the Zimbabwe police would quickly stop all demonstrations by human rights groups. Once in police custody, members of those groups would be assaulted and denied access to lawyers or medical care.
The demonstrations are mainly in response to the government’s failure to address the economic and humanitarian crisis. The official inflation rate as of October was 14,000% and basic commodities are scarce. Furthermore, several groups have made allegations of human rights violations including the MDC and the Women in Zimbabwe Arise (WOZA).
For more information please see:
AllAfrica.com- Zimbabwe: Amnesty Reports Increased Police Torture of Innocent Civilians – 14 December 2007
Yahoo News (AFP) – Zimbabwe Police Still Beating, Torturing Opponents: Amnesty – 13 December 2007
Amnesty International- Zimbabwe: Police Still Torture While Political Solution to Crisis Being Sought – 14 December 2007