SUVA, Fiji — The Pacific Islands Forum-Fiji Joint Working Group on the Situation in Fiji met in Suva this week to discuss the progress that Fiji has made toward restoring democratic election. At the end of the summit, the Working Group expressed its disappointment that a finalized timetable for democratic election had not yet been completed. They also noted that Forum Foreign Affairs Ministers should have been able to review these timetable in Cabinet in the second week of April.
Also of concern to the Working Group was the current lack of a Supervisor of Elections. New Zealand lawyer Dr. Maurice Coughlan, had been appointed to the position but had resigned only days later. In the wake of his departure, the Working Group called upon Fiji to find a replace for him and also that the basis for the electoral system generally be changed.
More positively, the Working Group did acknowledge the Elections Donor Coordination Committee (EDCC) membership’s current ability to assist with any technical training or information technology assistance that may be required in the coming elections.
Speaking after the meeting, Fiji’s interim foreign affairs Minister Ratu Epeli Nailatikau remained positive about the interim government’s prospects for returning Fiji to democratic elections. Speaking to Fijilive he said, “We have no intention of delaying the elections as perceived by the international community and we promise them that we will have elections in March 2009.”
For more information, please see:
Radio New Zealand International — Fiji regime admonished by Forum group over election timetable issues — 24 April 2008
Pacific Magazine — Forum Working Group Concerned By Progress To Election — 24 April 2008
Solomon Star News — Supervisor of Elections to be appointed as soon as Possible: Working Group — 24 April 2008