The Dutch film by Dutch MP Geert Wilders seeks to expose the “strife” caused by the Koran. Fitna means strife in Arabic. His work has met with great opposition from both middle eastern nations and world organizations such as NATO and the United Nations.
The fifteen minute video features verses from the Koran that discuss an Islamic view that states that non-Muslims should be eliminated. The video builds on the verses from the Koran and calls from imams calling for the reign of Islam and is punctuated by graphic imagery showing radical Islamists killing infidels. The imagery also includes a child’s view of Israelis and footage from the World Trade Center.
The actual purpose of the video is to show how Islam is growing in the Netherlands. The rapid increase of Muslims in the nation worries the Dutch MP and he has called for the nation to be wary regarding the growth of the religion arguing that Islam will transform the government.
The video has been condemned by the Dutch government because it will hurt the nations economic and safety concerns. The film has been called anti-Islamic propaganda by the United Nations Secretary General Bi-Ki Moon.
The film has caused uproar in many nations including 53 MP protestors in Jordan that have asked the government to break all diplomatic ties with the Netherlands and remove the Dutch Embassy. (Radio Netherlands Worldwide)
“‘These kinds of attacks by so-called sane European politicians and scholars will lead to very serious repercussions, pushing mankind to a situation of chaos and conflict,’ said Dr. Saleh S. Al-Wohaibi, secretary-general of WAMY.” (Arab News) These statements regarding serious repercussions caused the Christian community in Egypt to be fearful that they may be attacked and sent a damage limitation committee. (Bos News Life)
The film was removed from the internet from its official site because of the overwhelming protests.
For more information, please see:
Arab News- Wilders Film Aims to Block Dialouge:WAMY- 31 March 2008
Bos News Life- NEWS ALERT: Christians Anxious As Fitna Film Is Posted Online-28 March 2008
Radio Netherlands- Jordanians protest against Fitna- 30 March 2008
VAO News- Iran Summons Dutch Ambassador Over Anti-Islam Film- 30 March 2008
Reuters- U.N.’s Ban condemns Dutch film as anti-Islamic- 28 March 2008
Middle East Times- Anger continues over Dutch film on Islam- 30 March 2008
Al-Jazeera- Iran protests over Dutch Quran film- 30 March 2008
Bos News Life- BREAKING NEWS: Anti-Islamic Film Fitna Taken Offline Following Threats; “Sad Day For Freedom Of Speech” (UPDATE)- 28 March 2008