AUCKLAND, New Zealand — Leaders from more than 15 nations around the Pacific will converge on Auckland this week for the Pacific Island Forum. New Zealand Foreign Minister Winston Peters told the Fiji Times that among the topics to be discussed at the conference is Fiji’s progress towards Democratic elections. Peters has also said that all Pacific Islanders share the goal of returning Fiji to democratic elections.
“We will continue to encourage Fiji to build on its preparations for elections, and we all stand ready to assist and encourage this process,” he said.
The Fiji’s interim Foreign Minister has said that he is willing to attend the meeting with an open mind. At the meeting Foreign Affairs Minister Ratu Epeli Nailatikau will be asked by the other Foreign Ministers attending the meeting to give a presentation of what has transpired over the last twelve months in Fiji.
The meeting is set to begin this Wednesday.
For more information, please see:
Fiji Times — Forum wants Fiji to return to elections next year says NZ — 24 March 2008
Pacific Magazine — Meeting on Fiji in Auck this week — 24 March 2008
News Talk ZB — Fiji Foreign Minister Has Positive Outlook on Forum Ministers Meeting — 23 March 2008
Fiji Times — Fiji on Forum agenda: Minister — 21 March 2008