The Turkish military launched a land invasion into the Matin mountains of N. Iraq to hunt down the Kurdistan Worker’s Party (PKK). A discrepancy between the reported casualties suffered by each side exists. Turkish reports state that they have killed 147 PKK members and lost only 15 casualties. (Guardian Unlimited) However, the PKK reporting killing 47 Turkish soldiers and only losing two soldiers. (Times Online) The Turkish force is comprised of 5,000 soldiers and 60 tanks. As the fighting continues, it may continue to destabilize the region.
A solution to create lasting peace will be is almost impossible, because of the intensity of each party’s goal. The Turkish military wants to completely eliminate the PKK. The PKK wants to carve out an independent Kurdish nation for the 14 million Kurds living in Turkey. However, since the Turks believe that the PKK rebels are hiding in the Kurdish region of N. Iraq to situation has increased complexity. The northern Iraqi Kurds have promised not to betray fellow Kurds, despite its own desire for peace in the region and the urging of its American benefactors. The United States, an ally of Turkey, has given the Turkish military access to American intelligence. Therefore, a truce will be difficult to be worked out because of the tangled web of competing interests.
For more information, please see:
The Guardian- Turks send more tanks into Iraq against PKK- 25 February 2008
Times Online- PKK guerrillas seek help from Iraq Kurds- 25 February 2008