By Nykoel Dinardo
Impunity Watch Reporter, Middle East
CAIRO, Egypt – Egyptian police detained 16 members of the Muslim Brotherhood on January 14, bringing the total number of people detained during the week to over 100. On January 13, Egypt detained at least 18 and at least 64 were detained on January 12. At least 20 people were arrested on January 10 and 11 as well. The detainments began in response to protests against the Egypt government over the Gaza Strip. Egyptian officials stated that those being detained are suspected of involvement with the protests.
On January 12, Egyptian police entered several homes in the Nile Delta town of Damanhur and arrested 17 Muslim Brotherhood members. The detainees were questioned about their roles in organizing protests. Later that day, another 47 people were arrested at protests that had gathered throughout the day. They were arrested for obstructing traffic. Others were detained in Sharqiya, Damietta, and Tanta provinces. A security official confirmed that the arrests were related to the protests and that those arrested were also suspected of being members of an illegal organization.
The Muslim Brotherhood is the chief opposition to Egypt’s current ruling party. The Egyptian government has declared it an illegal organization but until recently it has been allowed to continue to operate within Egyptian borders. In the 2005 parliamentary elections Brotherhood members gained a fifth of the popular vote, despite police intervention. The Brotherhood claims that Egyptian authorities currently hold more than 700 members in custody.
The Muslim Brotherhood has idealogical ties to Hamas and thus has been particularly sensitive to the situation in Gaza. They have called on Egyptian authorities to allow for freedom of expression of the people due to the public anger over the situation in Gaza. Despite the detentions, protests continue to gather in many cities in Egypt as well as elsewhere in the Middle East.
For more information, please see:
Jordan Times – Protesters Gather Outside the Egyptian Embassy – 14 January 2009
Reuters – Egypt Police Hold 16 Islamists After Gaza Protests – 14 January 2009
Easy Bourse – Egypt Holds Over 35 Muslim Brotherhood Members Over Gaza Protests – 13 January 2009
Reuters – Egypt Police Detain At Least 18 In Gaza Protests – 13 January 2009
Reuters – Egypt Police Detain 64 In Delta Protest For Gaza – 12 January 2009
Reuters – Egyptian Police Hold 21 Islamists After Gaza Rally – 11 January 2009