Press Release
Hermitage Capital
20 September 2012 – Today, the foreign affairs committee of the European Parliament voted 62-2 (with 1 abstention) in favor of a resolution to recommend to the European Council of Ministers to “establish a common EU list of officials responsible for the death of Sergei Magnitsky, for the subsequent judicial cover-up and for the ongoing and sustained harassment of his mother and widow” and, “impose and implement an EU-wide visa ban on these officials and to freeze any financial assets they or their immediate family may hold inside the European Union”
The EU Council of Ministers is the key decision making body of foreign ministers from the 27 EU member states and is empowered to implement a visa ban and asset freeze. Although many national EU parliaments have called on their governments to impose national Magnitsky sanctions against the Russian officials who killed Magnitsky in the past, the national governments have been reluctant to do so in fear of retaliation by Russia.
By having the visa ban proposal initiated by the European Parliament, it bypasses any individual country risking a confrontation with Russia and allows for a common EU approach towards the problem. This same approach was taken by the European Commission in relation to anti trust issues with Gazprom.
This step by the European Parliament follows two previous resolutions: in December 2010 (, and in December 2011 calling for sanctions in the Magnitsky matter in case of “further inaction by the Russian authorities for the Council to take into consideration actions such as an EU‐wide travel ban and a freeze on the financial assets of those found guilty of the torture and death of Sergei Magnitsky as well as covering up the case.” (
Since it has been nearly three years since the case was first raised at the European Parliament, the Foreign Affairs Committee has now concluded that no progress has been made and are swiftly moving forward with the implementation of sanctions in this case.
The resolution was put forward by Kristiina Ojuland MEP (Estonia) who is ALDE Spokesperson on Russia and was appointed Rapporteur on the ‘Magnitsky Report’ for the European Parliament. In that capacity she was responsible for drafting a recommendation to the European Parliament on how to impose EU sanctions on the Russian officials responsible for the death of Sergei Magnitsky.
In response to today’s vote, she said:
“The adoption of the report by the Foreign Affairs Committee in the European Parliament today is a crucial step in getting the visa restrictions and asset freezes in place against the people who were involved in the death of Sergei Magnitsky. These targeted sanctions proposed in the Magnitsky report put real pressure on Russian authorities to start taking criticism on human rights seriously. These sanctions are not directed against the Russian people, but area against corruption and human rights violators.”
The next step in the process is for the full European Parliament to vote on the resolution at the plenary session of the Parliament which is scheduled to take place in October.
Link to the draft Report:
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