By M.E. Dodge
Impunity Watch Reporter, Asia
BEIJING, China – Xi Xinzhu, set himself ablaze when a demolition crew arrived at his home to move him out to begin tearing down his home. He is being hospitalized for the burns he suffered.
As striking as Xi Xinzhu’s actions may have been, he is not alone in those who set themselves on fire to protest the Chinese government mandating that civilians abandon their homes. Last month a woman died after setting herself alight in a similar protest. Analysts say the incident will add to already intense pressure to reform China’s rules on forced eviction.
The protest is just one of a series in a country where land is effectively controlled by the state. The law currently allows local governments to claim land and confiscate homes for urban development projects: a system which critics say is open to abuse. It is reported that residents often complain that the amount of compensation offered is far below the real value of their homes.
According to Beijing Times, Xi had already suffered from a leg fracture when he was beaten by “unidentified men.” It is said that violence is a form of intimidation commonly used in China. Despite his condition, Xi poured gasoline on himself, and proceeded to show a lighter, and threatened to ignite himself. “Neglecting his warning, the relocation people even said ‘go ahead, light up,’ his wife told Beijing Times.
Even though the flames were promptly put out, Xi suffered 10 per cent burns to his face, hands and body and is in a critical condition in a Beijing hospital.
Chinese legal experts have called for major changes, and in a sign that the government may be seeking to ease public anger, officials met nine of them recently to discuss the issue.
When asked about his brother’s protest and the situation generally, Xi Xinqiang said, “We tried everything to raise legal questions about this demolition through normal channels, but nobody would do anything, although there are plainly problems.”
For more information, please see:
BBC World News – Chinese man sets himself on fire in Beijing – December 17, 20009
Huffington Post – Chinese Man Sets Himself On Fire To Protest Demolition Of Home – December 20, 2009
China News – Chinese Man Sets Himself on Fire to Protest Eviction – December 2009