By Kathryn Maureen Ryan
Impunity Watch, Middle East
CAIRO, Egypt – Ahmed Shafik, Hosni Mubarak’s last prime minister before his 2011 ouster announced Thursday that he plans to run for the Egyptian presidency if the military does not contest elections.
“I believe now I will run for the presidency,” Shafik told the press adding that he will add his name to the ring if army chief General Abdel Fattah al-Sisi stayed out of election, which is expected to be held later this way after a referendum vote is held for the state’s new constitution in January.
Sisi has not yet announced whether he will enter the race. He is widely supported by supporters of the military coup that took Morsi’s out of power but is reviled by the former president’s supporters.
Sisi’s candidacy would deepen divisions between supporters of the military role in the Egyptian government who believe force is to secure the state and those who believe such a government would further encourage the military to crack down on the basic rights of the Egyptian people
A security official told the press that Sisi “most likely going to announce that he will run for the presidency”, adding: “The army in a recent meeting expressed its support for him to run.”
Shafik left the country last year after being defeated by Mohamed Morsi, who was removed from power last July, in the country’s first democratic presidential elections. Shafik has a strong history with the Egyptian military, he served as a former air force commander. He called former President Mubarak a “role model” and was charged with corruption after leaving Egypt.
Last month Shafik was acquitted by an Egyptian court for a corruption case. However, another corruption charge has been shelved by the courts.
Shafik’s return to Egypt would signify the dramatic shift in power in Egyptian that has occurred since the ouster of Morsi, to many it would symbolize a return to the Egypt that existed under Mubarak.
Shafik called for maximum force to be used against former President Morsi’s political party, the Muslim Brotherhood. Shafik called the organization a “terrorist” group last December. Egypt’s interim military government has cracked down on the organization and other Islamist groups in the country, drawing criticism from human rights activist around the world.
Islamist militant groups have responded by increasing bombing and shooting attacks on Egyptian security forces since Morsi’s overthrow, raising fears of prolonged instability in the country.
While speaking in the United Arab Emirates Shafik stated that he may return to Egypt to vote in the Constitutional referendum. The Constitutional referendum is set for January 14 and 15.
Dates for this year’s presidential and parliamentary elections have yet to be set.
For more information please see:
Daily News and Analysis – Hosni Mubarak’s last PM interested in running for Egyptian presidency – 10 January 2014
Al Jazeera – Mubarak PM considers bid for Egypt presidency – 9 January 2014
Reuters – Mubarak’s last PM interested in running for Egyptian presidency – 9 January 2014
Reuters – Egypt’s army chief Sisi seen edging closer to presidential bid – 6 January 2014