By Brenda Lopez Romero
Impunity Watch reporter – North America desk
SANTA FE, Mexico – President of Somos Un Pueblo Unido, Marcela Diaz urged all families and business to boycott the state of Arizona after the Governor signed the anti-immigrant legislation S.B. 1070 that advocates claim will legally sanction racial and ethnic profiling and police abuse. The groups are demanding federal comprehensive immigration reform be passed this year.
Diaz stated, “We’re very angry at what’s happening in Arizona. Clearly, this is a law that preys on the fear of community members and it’s divisive and it’s dangerous.” Diaz said the dangers of the law would be “to push people further down into the shadows. It’s going to alienate people, it’s going to make people afraid in their own communities but they’ll probably end up staying because that’s where they have their roots.”
Under Arizona’s new law police can ask persons for proof of identity if they have a “reasonable suspicion” that they are an undocumented immigrant.
May 1, 2010 is the nationwide deadline for Congress to act and groups including Somos Un Pueblo Unido will hold protests and march throughout the country.
The Obama Administration is investigating possible legal action against Arizona. Legal advocacy groups and attorneys like John Russo, an immigration attorney in Albuquerque, think the law is on shaky ground and “is going to be declared to be unconstitutional.”
For more information, please see:
Estrella TV – Immigrant Rights Org. Calls For Ariz. Boycott – 26 April 2010
Mercury News – S.F. city attorney calls for boycott of Arizona over immigration law – 26 April 2010
The Progressive – Boycott Arizona – 26 April 2010