By Stephen Kopko
Impunity Watch Reporter, North America
WASHINGTON D.C., United States – In the wake of an immigration reform march on Washington two Senators have proposed a plan that would overhaul the United States’ immigration system. Senator Charles Schumer and Senator Lindsey Graham have worked on the proposed legislation for the past few months. Their plan to reform the immigration system also received initial support from President Obama.
According to Senators Schumer and Graham, the reform legislation contains “four pillars.” The first pillar requires workers to obtain a biometric Social Security Card. The Senators wrote that the card would provide a better employment verification system. The second pillar strengthens border security and border patrol. Under this pillar, immigration officials would receive more funding for infrastructure and personnel. Also, the creation of an entry/exit system would further help Border Patrol agents determine those immigrants that overstay their visas. The third pillar of the reform bill deals with temporary workers. Generally, temporary workers are those immigrants that come to the United States for a short period of time to perform seasonal jobs. According to the proposed legislation, employers would be allowed to hire temporary workers after no United States worker took the position. The fourth pillar creates a system through which illegal immigrants currently in the United States can begin a path to citizenship without first being deported.
Under the Senators proposed reform, illegal immigrants currently in the United States would be required to perform community service, pay fines and back taxes in exchange for not being deported. Illegal immigrants also would be required to learn English and pass a background check. After completing this process, illegal immigrants would then be placed on the path toward citizenship.
Both Senator Schumer and Senator Graham believe their proposed legislation balances the interests of those who support deportation of all illegal immigrants with those groups that support amnesty for illegal immigrants. The issue of illegal immigration is a top priority for the Obama Administration. The President issued a statement of initial support for the reform bill created by Senators Schumer and Graham.
The Illegal Immigration Reform Bill was released as Washington D.C. prepares for a rally in support of reform on Sunday. Approximately one-hundred thousand supporters of legalizing illegal immigrants plan to attend the rally. Besides holding a rally supporting the legalization of illegal immigrants, protestors will meet with their representatives in Congress to lobby for immigration reform.
For more information, please see:
Center For American Progress – Senate Leaders Reveal Immigration Framework – 18 March 2010
MSNBC – Immigrants head to D.C. to push reforms – 18 March 2010
Washington Post – The right way to mend immigration – 18 March 2010