November 9, 2010. Impunity Watch Law Journal and the International Law Society hosted Nectali Rodenzo, a lawyer and Co-Coordinator of the National Front of Lawyers in Resistance to the Coup in Honduras. Rodenzo shared his experiences of the 2009 Honduran military coup, its context and aftermath, and how it relates to the human rights situation on the ground in Honduras today.
Impunity Watch Presentation with Nectali Rodenzo from Impunity Watch on Vimeo.
Rodezno and the Lawyer’s Front are engaged in the daily defense of life and liberties in post-coup Honduras, as part of a massive resistance that opposes not only the de facto government that took over when President Zelaya was ousted, but the illegitimate regime installed after fraudulent elections were held last November. Ongoing political assassinations, horrific police brutality, persecution and murder of anyone working in opposition to the Lobo government characterize the current regime’s approach to human rights. Rodezno will speak to the context in which the coup was perpetrated, and prospects for those who continue to struggle for justice in Honduras.