By Vivek Thiagarajan
Impunity Watch Senior Desk Officer, Middle East
WASHINGTON DC, United States- Erik Prince, owner of Blackwater USA was questioned by a Congressional oversight committee headed by Congressman Waxman (D- Ca.) regarding Blackwater’s involvement in shooting deaths in Iraq. Blackwater USA is a large private security company based in Virginia, which has been primarily hired by the US State Department to protect diplomats in Baghdad, Iraq.
The hearing had two purposes. The first purpose was to determine whether the US State Department’s extensive use of private security firms was beneficial, especially since the US military performs parallel duties. The second objective was determining whether Blackwater’s specific actions have either furthered or hindered the American interests in Iraq.
The committee specifically questioned whether the State Department should continue granting Blackwater complete immunity through Order 17 regarding shooting deaths in Iraq. (Guardian Unlimited) Whether Blackwater keeps its immunity in Iraq is a critical question, especially because of the Iraqi government’s recent demands for justice regarding the shooting deaths in Fallujah for which Blackwater is supposedly responsible.
Also, Blackwater was questioned regarding one of its employees shooting of an Iraqi guard, while the Blackwater employee was drunk. Prince responded to the questions by stated that the incident was isolated and that the employee was immediately brought home, fired, and fined. Reportedly, Blackwater and the US State Department paid the guard’s family $15,000 dollars for the death.
After the hearing, US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice mandated more overview of Blackwater USA in Baghdad by the US State Department. These changes include that the Blackwater convoys must always included official State Department personnel. Also, the heightened scrutiny includes mounting video cameras on Blackwater’s special convoys to monitor and record the convoy’s action. Also, Rice stated that Blackwater’s radio communication would be heavily monitored.
The State’s Department’s response indirectly answers the questions posed by Waxman’s committee. The State Department believes that the security personnel are necessary and with sufficient monitoring their actions can further US objectives. However, the State Department’s continuance of Order 17 still gives the security company total immunity for its actions. The lack of accountability will further inhibit the special agents who are supposed to control the Blackwater forces.
This situation in Iraq is crucial regarding international rules of engagement, because it defines the accountability of private contractors. Although the Iraqi government has a vested interest in protecting the US officials, its primary interest must be protecting its people. The arrangement between the Iraqi government and the US State Department will be important to both protect the American interests and have the Iraqi people support the American influence.
For more information, please see:
Herald Sun- US acts on Iraq shootings in a clamp on security by Condolezza Rice- 7 October 2007
Dallas Morning News- U.S. will keep closer watch on Blackwater operations in Iraq- 7 October 2007
Houston Chronicle (Washington Post)- New Rules imposed on Contractors- 6 October 2007
Al-Jazeera- US tightens Blackwater Controls– 5 October 2007
Guardian Unlimited- The Scandal of Blackwater- 6 October 2007