By Ben Turner
Impunity Watch Reporter, Middle East
BAGHDAD, Iraq – According to an United Nations official, insurgent groups in Iraq are recruiting children as suicide bombers. Ending a week-long visit to Iraq, Radhika Coomaraswamy, the Special Representative of the Secretary General for Children and Armed Conflict, said children there are the silent victims of the ongoing violence in the country, with approximately 1,500 “known to be held in detention facilities.”
“Since 2004, an increasing number of children have been recruited into various militias and insurgent groups, including as suicide bombers,” she said.
Coomaraswamy said that many Iraqi children no longer attend school and are either recruited for violent activities or are detained in custody. She said that many children lack access to the most basic services and “manifest a wide range of psychological symptoms from the violence in their everyday lives.”
According to Coomaraswamy, only 50 percent of primary school children are attending school. That number is down from 80 percent in 2005. Only 40 percent have access to clean drinking water and there is a continuing possibility of outbreaks of cholera.
Coomaraswamy’s statements come three months after the U.S. military released videos of suspected al Qaeda in Iraq members training children as young as 10 to kidnap and kill. She urged “religious and community leaders of Iraq to send one clear message to Iraqi children: Stay out of the violence and go back to school.”
She called on all sides in the Iraqi conflict to follow international humanitarian standards for the protection of children and to release without delay any children under the age of 18 associated with their forces. She also asked all sides to adhere to international human rights standards pertaining to juvenile justice provisions.
“Let peace in Iraq begin with the protection of children” Coomaraswamy said.
For more information, please see:
BBC – Militias ‘Recruit Child Bombers’ – 25 April 2008 – Iraqi Children Recruited for Suicide Attacks – UN – 25 April 2008
The Press Association – Child Recruits for Suicide Attacks – 25 April 2008
UN News Center – Iraqi Children are Silent Victims of Ongoing Violence, Says UN Envoy – 25 April 2008
USA Today – U.N.: Iraqi Children Recruited as Suicide Bombers – 25 April 2008