By Ricardo Zamora
Impunity Watch Reporter, Europe
LONDON, England – Sharon Ferguson, ordained Christian minister and chief executive of the Lesbian and Gay Christian Movement, is one of the latest homosexual individuals opposing a UK law banning same-sex marriages. Her case has drawn heavy criticism, producing several hate messages, likely because of her position in the community.
Last week, the Reverend and her partner, Franka Strietzel, applied for a civil license marriage, the first of four such applications comprising the new “Equal Love” campaign. The couple’s request for a civil marriage license for Greenwich Town Hall in South-East London was refused.
The BBC quoted Reverend Ferguson as saying “my whole life is about campaigning for equality and justice as a pastor in a parish that is known for its social justice work.” “It’s part of my daily life to challenge discrimination, but with this campaign what is really nice is that it’s about love.”
The couple is now looking to the courts for the right to obtain a marriage license, arguing that the restriction violates Articles 8 (the right to respect for family life), 12 (the right to marry), and 14 (protection against discrimination) of the Human Rights Act. Seven other couples are planning similar actions.
The couple remains in high spirits amidst the hostile messages. Reverend Ferguson said that while the messages were mostly from unhappy Christians, the general public opinion is supportive of ‘Equal Love.’ The ‘Equal Love’ campaign, through these eight couples – four homosexual and four heterosexual – is seeking to overturn the twin bans on gay marriages and heterosexual civil partnerships.
Peter Tatchell, Human rights campaigner and coordinator of “Equal Love,” said: “We are guardedly optimistic that we will win in the courts. We’re absolutely convinced we will have same-sex marriage within five years. Boris Johnson has already come out in support of marriage equality. We believe we have a pretty strong case.”
The London Evening Standard reports that the eight couples will likely launch a challenge in the High Court if their requests are refused at the register offices by the end of the year.
For more information, please see:
HERALD SCOTLAND – Lesbian couple to challenge ban on gay marriage – 3 November, 2010
BBC – Gay Couple Plan Legal Action To Challenge Marriage Ban – November 2, 2010
LONDON EVENING STANDARD – Abusive Emails Sent to Lesbian Pastor Fighting for Same-Sex Marriages – November 4, 2010