By Christina Berger
Impunity Watch Reporter, Europe
STRASBOURG, France – The European Court of Human Rights recently communicated a case to the Macedonian government, asking it to answer questions regarding the 2003 CIA rendition of Khaled el-Masri. This is the first time the Court has asked a country to answer for its possible role in the CIA-led extraordinary rendition program.
In December 2003, el-Masri, a German citizen, was traveling by bus from his home in Germany to Macedonia. His passport was confiscated at the border and he was detained, before being taken away by armed officers in plain clothes. El-Masri was allegedly held in Macedonia for 23 days before being flown to a prison in Kabul, Afghanistan, where he claims he suffered abuse. He was later flown to Albania and released on the side of the road. Macedonia has denied any role in the abduction of el-Masri.
El-Masri’s case was brought before the European Court by the Open Society Justice Intiative, after el-Masri failed to have his case heard in US courts.
“With this case, the European court has gone beyond the US judiciary in responding to the torture and abuse associated with unlawful rendition,” said James Goldston, executive director of the Open Society Justice Initiative. “Khaled el-Masri has endured a terrible ordeal, and he has a right to justice and public acknowledgement of his mistreatment.” Goldston further noted the importance of the case making it to this step, as only ten percent of cases brought before the court make it that far.
The CIA has denied rendering el-Masri. However, according to the Open Society Justice Initiative, el-Masri was flown from Macedonia to Afghanistan via Baghdad on an aircraft that has been identified in other rendition cases.
Germany and Spain are conducting their own investigations into el-Masri’s abduction, and the Polish, Lithuanian, and British governments are currently being investigated over their possible roles in the CIA extraordinary rendition program.
For more information, please see:
ACLU – European Court Will Review Macedonia’s Role In Extraordinary Rendition – 14 October 2010
GUARDIAN – Macedonia called to account over extraordinary rendition case – 14 October 2010
OPEN SOCIETY JUSTICE INITIATIVE – Top European Court Demands Answers on CIA Rendition – 14 October 2010