By Ann Flower Seyse
Impunity Watch Reporter, Middle East
CAIRO, Egypt– Police have arrested one hundred fifty-five people for breaking fast during the daylight hours of the holy month of Ramadan, according to several Egyptian newspapers and human rights activists.
On September 9, Al-Arabiyya reported that an unnamed source within the interior ministry stated that Egypt has launched an unprecedented campaign to enforce prohibitions against eating, drinking, and smoking during the Muslim holy month. Several human rights organizations have condemned the arrests as a violation of personal freedoms. Furthermore, many human rights activists have emphasized that these detentions have no legal or religious legitimacy.
During the Lunar month of Ramadan all healthy adults are expected to refrain from eating, drinking, smoking, or having sexual relations between dawn and dusk. Children, the elderly, pregnant women, and sick individuals are not expected to keep the strict fast.
However, Gamal Eid of the Arabian Network for Human Rights (ANHR) said that fasting is something that people should do according to their own will, and that it is not an obligation, though many do fast out of courtesy. He further commented that there is no law that prohibits eating and drinking during the day in Ramadan, and that all citizens have the right to do so without being harassed. He believes that the government’s arrests are an implicit endorsement of turning Egypt into a religious state. He primarily blames the government for being complicit.
Negad Al Borei, head of the Institution for Democracy Development commented that he found it strange that, although the administration typically chases extreme religious and jihadist groups, it was executing an extreme policy based on religion. Khaled Ali, Executive Manager of the Hesham Mubarak Law Centre for Human Rights, accused the Ministry of imposing religiosity on citizens.
For more information, please see:
Al Arabiyya News Chanel – Egypt Cracks Down on Breaking Ramadan Fast – 9 September 2009
J Post – Egyptians Irked By ‘Ramadan Eating’ Arrests – 9 September 2009
UPI – Ramadan Arrests Called Unconstitutional – 9 September 2009
LA Times – Egypt: Police Arrest 155 for Failing to Keep Ramadan – 7 September 2009