Syrian woman endure a significant burden of violations , on one hand and as all the Syrian people she shared men and Syrian all kind of violations made by Alassad troops , and in the other hand she also borne the pain of losing the man stand by her; when her husband and the father of her children get killed , arrested , or disappeared , She also endured the pain of losing her own kids , Not to mention that all the Syrian women without discrimination suffered from the crimes of torture , rape , abduction by Alassad troops
This reports lists five key facts :
1- Victim Mothers
2- Arrested , kidnapped and Raped Mothers
4- Widow mothers
5- Refugees mothers
7- Recommendations
First : victim Mothers
Alassad troops represented by Army , Shabiha , intelligence , since the Syrian uprising killed 7133 women documented by name , date , place , photos, and the way in which they murder ( shelling – breaking in – field executions, Among the victim women 2417 mothers including
– 138 more than 50 years old
– 8 teachers
– 6 in the medical field ( Physician and Pharmacist )
– Shockingly 7 mothers had been arrested and tortured to death in security branches cellars
please see all the details :
Some of Alassad troops mothers victims :
1- Engineer Nada Al-Masry
She appears in the photo next to her son Abdullah Tarsha, they were killed by Syrian government forces on 27/1/2012 when an armored of Alassad military forces shot their vehicle.
2- Ms. Fatima Khosrf
She was killed with her newborn baby Abdul Majid Khalid AlKassim, when Syrian government forces shelled Al Bayada eastern village of Homs in 04/09/2012
3- Two sisters, Alaa and Israa Tohma
Engineer Esra Tohma and her sister Alaa were killed in Bosra Asham, Dara by a sniper bullet of Alassad troops while they were passing the street on 11/18/2012.
4- Razan Al-Qises
She died cause of the random shelling of Alassad troops on Bloudan, Damascus countryside . She was married and has two children that were wounded by shelling on 13/08/2012; one of them lost his foot ..
5- Grandmother Haja Rashida Al-Yaseen
She is the wife of the victim Mahmoud Alboiadana, mother of the victim Abdelwakel, grandmother of the victim Khaled, aunt of the victim Abu Hisham and mother of activist Abdul Hamid, she is from Baba Amr/ Homs and killed in 12/1/2011
Second : The Arrested Mothers
Among 19400 detained person in Syrain , Alassad troops arrested or abducted at least 6405 women, including 430 mothers 200 of them enforced disappearance
According to the standard of enforced disappearances ” Enforced disappearance takes place when a person is arrested, detained, abducted or otherwise deprived of their liberty by government officials or by organized groups or private individuals whose actions are condoned by the government in some way.
This is applied to nearly 200 mothers most of them were abducted by gangs working for Alassad troops known as “Shabiha”. Most of the abducted women are from Homs, Lattakia and Damascus countryside.
Arrested women treated with no regard of human nature or humanity. They are systematically and violently tortured , many of them also have been raped by Alassad troops in prisons although officials gave rape orders in particular for beautiful girls ( according to a testimony of dissident solider )
Syrian Lady called Salma 28 years old – mother of four children ( three girls and one boy ) admitted with tragedy of being raped by Alassad troops in Sahl Alroj and Korine towns
Salma said that 36 ladies was raped when Alassad troops broke down those towns , she was crying bitterly .
As a prove of that SNHR documented 20 cases of women ( including 7 mothers ) killed under severe and systematic torture suffered in conditions that violate human rights and all the international laws in this regard
In this regard Following link : lists of all documented women tortured to death with their details as displayed in link :
Ladies in security branches had the worst times of detention , they exposed to tough treatments especially in the first days through investigations , it may takes week or even two months , if they are lucky they will be transferred to a prison where jailers continued intended policies to humiliate and violate their human dignity , prevented them from medical treatment , right of visiting , getting clothes , books , letters , newspapers and other basics rights
We should mention that there are only males in security branches ( detectives – guardians – nurses and prisoners ) they are all males
– In the ninth of February 2013, Mother Wafaa Alakla – 35 years old – arrested at Alassad army checkpoint with her three children (the older one is 14 years old ) and even the taxi driver who was carrying them , her husband was also arrested for a month and half and was released after investigating that he has no activity . He disappeared for a while and no one knows about him or Ms. Wafaa and her three kids anything at all making her family don’t know what to do .
– Alassad troops also arrested many ladies of society , Teachers , Old women and young girls , Now high class ladies and rural girls sharing the same penalties cause they decided to take a side against the Syrian government .
– – Mother Hanadi Faisal Alrifai – Daraa –arrested in 16-3-2012 ,for more that 7 months suffered within the cruelest ways of tortures physically and psychologically , in one charge only is to help one solider to get his mother , She tells stories about the suffering of girls who met them in prisons
– -Mother and Colleague student Adawia Hamad also arrested with six of colleague and held several months in one of the security branches in charge of formatting coordination in Raqa university , although her father is causes of Jasim Hamad –head of political security branch in Dier Alzoor , No one is able to know her destiny and her colleague even time
– Mother and Physician May Jandali – 50 Years old –arrested in Adraa prison since 7-11-2012 , she participated with first demonstration in 25-3-2011 from Umayyad mosque in Damascus , and participated also with women sit with many intellectuals and other women in Midan neighborhood in Damascus , she was arrested at checkpoint when she was coming back to home .
This was negatively reflected by the asylum and escape out of the country as the network statistics indicate that more than 70% of the refugees are women and children
Third : Widows
At least 54.000 women lost her husband since Syrian uprising two years ago , 40,000 of them are mothers
- SNHR documented more than 35.000 married has been killed , leaving their wives widows
- Enforced disappearance : almost 19.000 thousand married men among more than 60 thousand individuals are enforced disappearance , that led to 19000 women don’t know whether they are married or widows , is her husband a life or Alassad troops executed him , which make us back into time to 1982 in Hama , where at least 12000 married men disappeared and the city suffered for decades of this situation
Fourth : Refugee , half million women refugees in neighboring countries including 350.000 mother
SNHR estimates that’s more than 70% of the refugee are women and children , the main reason for leaving Syria is fear of rape and violation
SNHR statistics about refugee in neighborhood countries more than exceeded 1,4 million refugee in January 2013 , that’s mean we have almost one million women and children refugee in the neighboring countries
Fifth : Results and Recommendations
SNHR conclude that Alassad troops committed all types of abuse against of Syrian Women
1- Crimes against humanity , according to article 7 of ROME STATUE OF INTERNATIONAL CRIMINAL COURT :
( all terms of this article are grossly applied ) :
(f) Torture;
(g) Rape
(i) Enforced disappearance of persons;
(h) Persecution
2- Crimes against humanity , according to article 8 War Crimes of ROME STATUE OF INTERNATIONAL CRIMINAL COURT :
( all terms of this article are grossly applied ) :
(i) Willful killing;
(ii) Torture or inhuman treatment, including biological experiments;
(iii) Wilfully causing great suffering, or serious injury to body or health
(iv) Extensive destruction and appropriation of property, not justified by military necessity and carried out unlawfully and wantonly;
(vi) Willfully depriving a prisoner of war or other protected person of the rights of fair and regular trial;
(vii) Unlawful deportation or transfer or unlawful confinement;
b) xxii) Committing rape, sexual slavery, enforced prostitution, forced pregnancy, as defined in article 7, paragraph 2 (f), enforced sterilization, or any other form of sexual violence also constituting a grave breach of the Geneva Conventions;
Immediate and urgent intervention to ensure the maintenance of security and civil peace and to stop the instantaneous violations against Syrian mothers
The United Nations and the Security Council to take their responsibilities towards the Syrian Mothers and pressure on the Syrian government to release thousands of detainees at full speed and bring the perpetrators of crimes to International Court Ganaúat
الشبكة السورية لحقوق الإنسانSyrian Network for Human Rights