By Stephen Kopko
Impunity Watch Reporter, North America
WASHINGTON, D.C. – United States President Barack Obama accepted the Nobel Prize for Peace in Norway today. Obama accepted the award after asking Congress for an additional thirty thousand troops to fight the war in Afghanistan. During his acceptance speech, Obama gave his reasons for increasing the number of troops to continue the war in Afghanistan.
In October, the Norwegian Nobel Committee awarded the President the Nobel Prize for Peace. The award surprised many people around the world. Obama had only been in office less than a year before he was awarded the coveted prize. Obama was also surprised by the committee’s decision. After being notified of the recognition, Obama stated that he did not deserve to be in the company of past Peace Prize winners. He was humbled by the selection and would use it to promote important international objectives. These objectives include nuclear nonproliferation, settlement of the Arab-Israeli conflict, and correcting the downturn in the global economy.
Obama’s acceptance speech today focused on the current conflict in Afghanistan. Obama began his speech by saying that he was honored and humbled by being considered and recognized for the Peace Prize. He then stated that he admired past winners of the award that promoted nonviolent movements including Martin Luther King, Jr. and Gandhi. Obama then turned attention to the situation in Afghanistan. He stated that evil exists in the word and that he must defend the people of the United States against that evil, stating: “A nonviolent movement could not have halted Hitler’s armies. Negotiations cannot convince Al-Qaida’s leaders to lay down their arms.”
Obama’s speech also outlined his definition of just war. He stated that the use of force is not cynical, but is a “recognition of history.” He then outlined three ways in which war is just. According to Obama, when a nation acts in self defense, in helping or aiding an invaded nation, and when acting in a humanitarian capacity after a nation murders its own citizens, force could be used. Obama also stressed how the United States should act when it is faced with using force. Wars should be fought according to the “rules of conduct.” He rejected the use of practices such as torture and the murder of innocent people.
For more information, please see:
Christian Science Monitor – Left and Right, Pundits Applaud Obama Nobel Peace Prize Speech – 10 December 2009
MSNBC – Accepting Peace Prize, Obama Defends War – 10 December 2009
CNN – Nobel Peace Prize is “Call to Action” – 9 October 2009