By Laura Zuber
Impunity Watch Senior Desk Officer, Middle East
JERUSALEM, Israel – On February 21, Peace Now, an Israeli organization that monitors settlement expansion, released a report in which the group states that there is a clear policy of discrimination against Palestinians. As the result of the Olso Accords, the West Bank was divided into three different areas: Area A, controlled by the Palestinian Authority; Area B, controlled by the Palestinian Authority and Israel; and Area C, controlled by Israel. In order to build private homes, expand private homes, or to build public buildings and infrastructure in Area C, a permit needs to be issued by the Israeli Civil Administration.
The Peace Now report states that between 2000 and 2007, less than 6% of building permits submitted by Palestinians have been approved. During this period, only 91 (of 1,624) building permits submitted by Palestinians were approved, while 18,472 homes were built in the West Bank for Israeli settlers. Also, the report states that of the 4,993 demolition orders issued to Palestinians, 1,663 were carried out, resulting in a 33% rate of demolition. In contrast, of the 2,900 demolition orders issued to Israeli settlement buildings, 199 demolitions were carried out, resulting in a 7% rate of demolition.
Most of the demolitions have been carried out against private homes and buildings that were built illegally without a permit. Captain Zidki Maman, spokesman for the IDF unit that oversees civil affairs in the West Bank, stated that “If Palestinians would submit request for building permits, there could be thousands more approvals.” However, Palestinians frequently complain that the authorities reject most building requests as a matter of policy.
The status of Israeli settlements in the West Bank remains a focal point in the peace talks between Israeli Prime Minister Olmert and Palestinian Authority President Abbas. At the beginning of the talks, Olmert announced a settlement freeze in which no new settlements would be built, but did not limit the construction of new homes in existing settlements. As a result, the expansion of settlements continues; evidenced by new homes in settlements such as Eli, south of Nablus, and Maskiot, in the Jordan valley.
While the IDF oversees all settlement activity and is aware of the construction, it has not approved the construction or issued permits for the construction. Maman stated that the IDF is aware of the situation and “in the end, all illegal building is taken care of.” He declined to say whether the illegal homes would be dismantled.
Peace Now Secretary-General Yariv Oppenheimer stated “the Civil Administration figures clarify that the West Bank territories controlled by Israel are for Jews only.” Also, Oppenheimer said that “the data proves that the discrimination is clearly and blatantly against the Palestinian population, and the denial of permits and the firm enforcement in the Palestinian communities raises the suspicion that this is an intentional policy aimed at bringing about a quiet transfer of the Palestinians from Area C.”
For more information, please see:
BBC – W Bank Building “Bias” Condemned – 21 February 2008
Peace Now – Area C: Palestinian Construction and Demolition Stats – 21 February 2008
Yedioth – Peace Now: Only Palestinians’ Houses Demolished – 21 February 2008
Ha’aretz – Construction Continuing in West Bank Settlements Despite PM’s Pledge – 20 February 2008
Jerusalem Post – IDF Says Homes Still Being Built in Eli – 20 February 2008
YouTube – Making Maskiot: Israel’s Settlement Expansion – 20 February 2008
Reuters – ISRAEL-OPT: House Demolitions Cause Palestinians to Leave Village – 19 February 2008