by Elly On
Impunity Watch Desk Reporter, Africa
North Kivu, Democratic Republic of Congo–
Numerous children and women are being raped in Democratic Republic of Congo by armed rebels in the warn-torn eastern parts of the country, according to the United Organization Stabilization Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. More than 240 children and women were raped by Rwandan and Congolese rebels.
These rebels came to North Kivu province between July 30 and August 3, 2010 to rail the villages. They blocked roads, prevented villagers from going outside and cut off outside communications.
The attacks by the rebels occurred over four days within miles of a United Nations’ base, a US aid worker and a Congolese doctor said. A UN joint human rights team confirmed allegations of the rape of at least 154 women by fighters from the Rwandan FDLR militia and Congolese Mai-Mai rebels in the village of Bunangiri. The victims are currently receiving medical and psychological treatments.
According to a UN reporter, a day after the attack occurred on July 30, an internal UN email was relayed to relief agencies working in the area warning them that the rebels had taken over the villages, the International Medical Corps (IMC) said. Sexual violence took place as early as July 30. For instance, the town of Mpofi, located approximately 32 miles from Walikale was taken by the Democratic Forces for the Liberation of Rwanda, a rebel group. No one could get into the town until the rebels left. In other instances, the rebels raped nearly 200 women and some baby boys during the four-day period. This region is located approximately 10 miles from a UN peacekeepers’ base. Mr. Ban, the Secretary-General of UN, is sending Atul Khare, assistant secretary-general for peacekeeping, immediately to Democratic Republic of Congo to help investigate, UN spokesman Martin Nesirky said. Also, Mr. Ban has asked the government of Democratic Republic of Congo for cooperation.
For more information, please see:
BBC–UN Investigates Claims of Mass Rape by DR Congo Rebels –24 August 2010
CNN–Children Among Hundreds Rapes in Congo, U.N. Says–4 September, 2010
New York Times Rwandan Rebels Raped at least 179 Women in Congo, Humanitarian Officials say–23 August 2010