By Ahmad Shihadah
Impunity Watch Reporter, Middle East
ADEN, Yemen – Somali pirates have seized a cargo vessel off the coast of Yemen, and are believed to be holding the crew of nine Yemeni sailors, Yemen’s Defense Ministry website said Tuesday.
Citing sources at the Interior Ministry, the website said the pirates took over the ship after it sailed from Mukalla port en route to Aden. It was carrying various products and a crew of 9 Yemeni sailors was onboard. Meanwhile, the sources said that information had surfaced that the ship was seen at Somali Qarta’a port.
“The ship with the license registration name of Al-Asa’a carrying various merchandise along with nine Yemeni sailors on board has been moved by pirates to Karta area in the northern coast of Somalia,” the report added.
The Gulf of Aden, off the northern coast of Somalia, has the highest risk of piracy in the world. Every year about 25,000 ships use the channel south of Yemen between the Red Sea and the Arabian Sea.
For more information, please see:
Reuters – Somali Pirates Hijack Yemeni Cargo Ship – 4 May 2010
Saba Net – Somali Pirates Seize Yemeni Ship – 4 May 2010
People’s Daily Online – Yemeni-Owned Commercial Ship Hijacked By Somali Pirates – 4 May 2010