By David Sophrin
Impunity Watch Reporter, Europe
CORDOBA, Spain – Representatives from EU countries met in Spain last week with leaders from the European Roma community for a two-day conference to discuss how those countries could best respond to the discrimination and economic poverty that the nomadic Roma population face.
The nomadic Roma community has existed in Europe since the fourteenth century, notably in central and eastern European countries. Discrimination and violence towards Roma, the continent’s largest minority group, has long been a commonplace occurrence on the continent. For example, in a number of central European countries Roma children have been prevented from attending state-funded schools. Legalized discrimination in housing and hiring practices towards them have also been commonplace. Additionally, since 2008 there have been 45 attacks on Roma in Hungary. Many more have been the victims of race-based attacks in Italy, the United Kingdom and the Czech Republic.
While discrimination towards Roma is often not overt, statements by some European leaders continue to mirror long held racist views towards Roma. This past February, Romanian Foreign Minister suggested that Roma carried a certain genetic trait that made them more prone to criminal behavior.
The economic recession of recent years has also negatively impacted the Roma culture. Due to the lack of employment opportunities, especially in Western Europe, many Roma have no longer been able move across the continent. These difficulties only compound issues of poverty, as the Roma are currently the poorest minority in Europe.
European Justice Commissioner Vivian Reding, who was in attendance at the summit, stated that the rampant discrimination towards Roma in Europe must come to an end. Meanwhile, a spokesman for the Fundacion Secretariado Giatno human rights group declared that “the situation faced by numerous European gypsy citizens is scandalous. They are victims of a high degree of discrimination and racism.”
For more information, please see:
AP – Europe’s Roma say woes deepen amid economic crisis – 9 April, 2010
DEUTSCHE WELLE – Europe must do more to improve lives of Roma, EU warns – 8 April, 2010
GUARDIAN – Europe must help the Roma – 8 April, 2010
EXPATICA – Roma to demand EU action against discrimination at summit – 7 April, 2010