The border separating the Democratic Republic of Congo and Uganda becomes increasing dangerous. Uganda is one of several countries involved in DR Congo’s five-year war. Currently, 17,000 soldiers, the largest UN peacekeeping force in the world, are stationed in DR Congo.
Last week, DR Congo’s army led a deadly attack across Lake Albert. Two people were killed when men dress in Congolese army uniform argues with security guards working at an oil barge owned by the company Heritage. The border between Uganda and DR Congo cuts straight through the lake. This makes it very difficult to control and patrol a watery frontier and especially so for 600 fishermen. In an unrelated incident, four Ugandan were arrested for trespassing.
Thousands of refugees fled from Congo into Uganda within the past three days. Ten thousands refugees spent the night in small town school. According to the UN refugee agency UNHCR, the refugees migrated after the UN mission in Congo, MONUC, fired shots into the air when a demonstration organized by militia General Laurent Nkunda turned violent. Luckily, Uganda has one of most generous refugees in the world. Presently, Uganda houses 218,000 refugees from South Sudan, DR Congo and Rwanda.
For more information, please see:
AllAfrica – Uganda: Congolese Flee to Country – 22 August 2007
BBC – Uganda and Congo’s Trouble Waters – 16 August 2007
BBC – Uganda threatens Congo over Raid – 10 August 2007