By Sovereign Hager
Impunity Watch Reporter, North America
SINALOA, Mexico – Florencio Posadas Segura, a professor at the Autonomous University of Sinaloa (Universidad Autónoma de Sinaloa, UAS) was censored and threatened after commenting via radio that new rules regarding the succession in the rector’s position had “not passed democratic and academic tests.” Professor Segura spoke on the morning program, “A Primera Voz”, which airs on a University Radio Station.
Professor Segura’s comments resulted in a harsh reprimand by the university rector, who allegedly ordered Victor Hugo Aguilar Gaxiola, the radio show’s host not to allow Professor Segura back on the air. Professor Segura claims that the Host also told him to “Be careful, you never know when a car could run you over”. Professor Segura promptly filed a complaint with the Human Rights Commission (Comisíon Estatal de Derechos Humanos) because he fears for his life. He expressed indignation at the actions censuring his rights to self expression.
CENCOS (National Center for Social Communication) and IFEX ( International Freedom of Expression Exchange) have called on the rector of the University and the directors of the Radio Station to reconsider their actions and put measures in place to allow for Professor Segura to freely express himself.
Professor Segura has been a commentator on Radio UAS for 10 years. He is a professor and investigator in the UAS Social and Economic Investigations Unit (Instituto de Investigaciones Economicas y Sociales). He holds a doctorate in social sciences from the Metropolitan Autonomous University.