Uganda Fights the Spread of Ebola

By Vicki Turakhia
Impunity Watch Reporter, Africa

KAMPALA, Uganda – The deadly Ebola outbreak is sweepings its way across Uganda. The fast acting disease has taken the life of a 3-month-old girl, at her funeral 15 others contracted the disease, 11 which have died.

Ebola in Uganda (Photo Courtesy of CNN)

According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC) diagnosing someone who has Ebola can be difficult because the early symptoms are similar to other more common and less dangerous diseases. The fatality rate for Ebola is 65%, requiring most people to be in a strong, healthy condition in order to survive.

Police intervention has become necessary to prevent hostility among Ugandan citizens. Ugandan officials have asked that anyone who is suspected of dying from Ebola not be buried, instead officials should be contacted immediately so actions can be taken to prevent the further spread of Ebola.

Some Ugandan people are fearful of the treatment and the hospital stay. One patient ran away from the hospital and was tracked down, now the concern becomes who the patient may have come in contact with and if the disease has spread to those people.

There was a month delay in identifying the outbreak because there was a belief in the community that there was a curse. This delay prevented any early detection and prevention.

However, the World Health Organization (WHO) has not recommended any travel nor trade restrictions for Uganda. Instead, there is an advisement to refrain from public gatherings. Over 250 schools are closed in Uganda as well as markets and public gatherings.

An additional difficulty in combating the spread of Ebola has been the shortage of healthcare workers. Uganda has only 56% of the healthcare worker positions in the country filled. Other healthcare workers are frightened after seeing colleagues pass away.

Some health centers do not have the vital supplies to protect from Ebola and have been unable to provide the full healthcare needed to patients. Food shortages have also been present in Uganda this year.

The hospitals do not have enough money to feed the patients, but arrangements are being made to provide for them. Such as the $1 million dollar reserve fund that Uganda keeps for emergencies, decisions are being made now about the use of the reserve.

For further information, please see:

All Africa – Uganda: Containment Worries As Ebola Numbers Rise – 2 August 2012

All Africa – Uganda: Ebola Claims Four More At Kagadi, Mulango – 1 August 2012

CNN – Ugandan officials, international experts tackle Ebola outbreak that’s killed 14 – 1 August 2012

Huffington Post – Ebola Virus Uganda Outbreak: What is it? – 30 July 2012

Yahoo – Ebola was spread widely at funeral of first victim – 2 August 2012

Author: Impunity Watch Archive