By Jonathan Ambaye
Impunity Watch Reporter, Africa Desk
KIVU, Congo-According to multiple reports by several human rights agencies, attempts by the United Nations to help destabilize Hutu Rebel forces in the Congo have taken a turn for the worse. In the past year, the UN has supported a government military offensive in the Democratic Republic of Congo. The intention of the offensive was to bring peace to the Eastern part of the Congo through dismantling the Hutu rebels causing havoc in the region. These military operations backed by the UN have actually resulted in widespread civilian killings and rape and has become the reason many are disappointed with the UN’s involvement.
Since January of 2009 it has been reported that more than 1,000 civilians have been killed, 7,000 women and girls have been raped, and more than 6,000 homes have been burned down in the eastern provinces of North and South Kivu. An additional 900,000 people have been forced to flee their homes and live in difficult conditions with host families or in displacement camps with limited food and medical resources.
Many of the killings and rapes have been attributed to Congolese government soldiers who have targeted civilians through killings, widespread rape, looting, forced labor, and arbitrary arrests. Also additional atrocities have been attributed to the Hutu rebel group, the Democratic Forces for the Liberation of Rwanda (FDLR). One human rights coalition has calculated that for every rebel combatant disarmed during the offensive, one civilian has been killed, seven women and girls have been raped, six houses burned and destroyed, and 900 people have been forced to flee their homes.
Pressure has been put on the UN by many coalitions to assert their power and demand the Congolese government make changes to the military structure. The UN supplies, transports, and in certain cases pays the Congolese government army as part of an international effort to help rebuild the country. With the Congolese government depending on the UN to support their military efforts, many believe the UN has the ability to effect some change in the military practice.
For more information please see:
All Africa – Civilian Cost of Military Operation is Unacceptable – 13 October 2009
Afrik – Congo: UN mIssion Reaps Disastrous Consequences – 13 October 2009
BBC – UN Criticised on Congo Offensive – 13 October 2009