By Nykoel Dinardo
Senior Desk Officer, Middle East
UNITED NATIONS – The United Nations (UN) concluded an inquiry into parts of the Gaza offensive and found that Israel is responsible for damage to seven UN facilities. The inquiry covered damage to nine facilities total. Of the other two, Hamas was determined to be responsible for the damage to one, and it is unsure who is responsible for the damage to the last facility.
The investigation was led by Ian Martin, former head of Amnesty International. The damage was done to UN clinics, schools and offices. UN staff and other civilians were also injured or killed in the incidents. The investigation’s scope was limited only to damage to UN property and injury or death of staff; however, the investigatory staff stated that the other injuries should be investigated under international humanitarian law.
The investigatory committee found that Israel’s conduct was negligent or reckless. It further found that the Israeli military failed to take adequate precautions to protect the UN premises. UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon said that he would seek damages from Israel for the damage. The damage rendered by Israel has been estimated at approximately $11 Million. Damage by Hamas has been estimated at $29, 000.
Israeli has responded to the investigations by claiming that they were “patently biased.” Israeli Defense Force officials claim that the UN fails to consider the fact that they were fighting against a terrorist organization. Furthermore, they claim that many of the UN facilities were hit after Hamas used them as bases and fired rockets at Israel. The UN investigatory committee has rejected this argument in several cases.
For more information, please see:
Haaretz – UN Demand For IDF Compensation in Gaza Could Reach $11 Million – 6 May 2009
Times – UN Report Condemns Israel over Gaza War – 6 May 2009
The Washington Times – U.N. seeks Israeli ‘reparations’ – 6 May 2009
Guardian – UN accuses Israel of Gaza ‘Negligence or Recklessness’ – 5 May 2009
Reuters – UN Report Accuses Israel of Recklessness in Gaza – 5 May 2009
Voice of America – UN Report Slams Israel for Damages During Gaza Offensive – 5 May 2009