KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia – In the aftermath of the Barisan National Party’s loss in recent elections, Prime Minister Abdullah Badawi has begun to initiate reforms to promote transparency and accountability. Prime Minister Abdullah Badawi announced that ministers would have to declare their assets and created a smaller 68-member cabinet. In downsizing the cabinet, many unpopular political heavyweights were pushed out, but despite the smaller cabinet, the prime minister included some of his staunchest critics in the cabinet. Human rights lawyer and Bar Council deputy chairman Ragu Kesavan said, “This type of reformist cabinet is long overdue. It seems that the poll losses have forced Badawi to bring in new faces. But will he give them the power and the scope to make changes.”
For more information, please see:
Impunity Watch – UPDATE: Malaysians Protest and Call for Prime Minister’s Resignation After Unprecedented Elections – 14 March 2008
Impunity Watch – Barisan National Party Wins Simple Majority – 8 March 2008
Inter Press Service – Malaysia: Poll Setback Finally Prompts Reforms – 20 March 2008