UPDATE: Nauru’s Supreme Court Finds Parliament Meeting Illegal

YAREN, Nauru — Yesterday, Nauru’s Supreme court declared an amendment passed in a controversial Parliamentary session two weeks ago illegal. The amendment would have ousted two key Cabinet Ministers and given the Opposition party a majority in Parliament.

On Easter Saturday, Parliament Speaker and Opposition member, David Adeang, called a Parliamentary session without notifying the Government. With three members out of the country and the electricity disconnected, Mr. Adeang gathered mostly Opposition members to amend the Citizen Act. Although the meeting lacked a quorum, the amendment would force two of Nauru’s senior Cabinet Ministers out of office for having dual citizenship.

President Marcus Stephen stated that Foreign Minister, Dr. Kieren Keke, and Finance Minister, Frederick Pitcher would not be disqualified from their positions. Mr. Adeang subsequently accused the President of seeking to stage a Parliamentary coup.

On Monday, Chief Justice Robin Millhouse of the Supreme Court declared the impromptu Parliament session illegal and all rules decided at the meeting, thus, void.

Mr. Adeang believes the Court’s decision effectively overturns 40 years of Parliament practices in Nauru. Meanwhile, President Stephen has praised the Supreme Court, calling the holding a stabilizing influence on Nauru’s government.

For more information, please see:
ABC News: Australia — Nauru judge blocks citizenship law change — 08 April 2008

Radio New Zealand International — Nauru speaker at odds with Supreme Court ruling — 08 April 2008   

Radio New Zealand International — Nauru Government says Court has ruled that Speaker acted unconstitutionally — 07 April 2008

Author: Impunity Watch Archive