Gazan Militants Breach Israeli Border, 2 Israeli Civilians Killed

By Laura Zuber
Impunity Watch Senior Desk Officer, Middle East

NAHAL OZ, Israel – On April 9, Gazan militants attacked the Nahal Oz Terminal, which provides Gaza with most of its fuel supplies.  Shortly following a delivery, two militants launched mortar shells at the terminal’s fuel depot, while two others climbed over the border fence.  Once in Israel, the militants shot and killed two Israeli contractors.  Israeli Defense Force (IDF) soldiers responded quickly and arrived at the crossing within minutes.  IDF engaged the militants and killed two, while two others were able to escape.

Shortly following the raid, an IDF air strike targeted a vehicle carrying the fleeing militants.  In addition, a subsequent Israeli air strike targeted a militant’s house in Gaza City.  In total, at least eight Palestinians were killed in the strikes.  Some of those killed were four civilians, including a 15 year old boy.

Following the raid at the Nahal Oz Terminal, Israel closed the crossing, effectively stopping all fuel deliveries to Gaza.  The spokesman for the Israeli military liaison office with Gaza, Shady Yassim stated that “Its opening will depend on the security evaluation.”  Israel did not ship fuel on April 10, and at least two Israeli ministers said that Israel should cut if off completely following the attack.

Three Palestinian groups, including the Islamic Jihad and the Popular Resistance Committees (PRC) claimed responsibility for the attack.  “The target was a Zionist army base and the aim was to abduct soldiers to swap them for Palestinian prisoners,” said Abu Mujahed, a spokesman for the PRC.

While the attack was claimed by the Islamic Jihad and the Popular Resistance Committees, Israel placed sole responsibility on Hamas.  “Hamas clearly controls the Gaza Strip. They are directly responsible for this attack and we will hold them accountable,” said Mark Regev, the spokesman for Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert.

A Foreign Ministry statement said “Israel considers the ruling Hamas in the Gaza Strip the sole party responsible for today’s terror attack at the Nahal Oz Terminal. Hamas bears responsibility and will also bear the consequences.”

The attack follows several weeks of uneasy peace between Israel and Gaza, where Palestinian rocket attacks and IDF operations have decreased amid Egypt’s efforts to broker a ceasefire.  However, the Associated Press states that Hamas has expressed impatience with Egypt’s failure to forge a cease-fire and repeatedly accused the world of ignoring the plight of Gazans.

Instead of, or in addition to, violence, many Gazans are peacefully demonstrating to attract international attention to their plight.  On April 10, hundreds of Gazans gathered at major junctions in Gaza City to protest against the Israeli blockade and accompanying economic sanctions.  In addition, a mass demonstration has been called for on April 11.

In related news, prior to the Nahal Oz Terminal attack, one IDF soldier and one Hamas militant were killed during an IDF raid in southern Gaza near Khan Younis.  An Israeli army spokeswoman stated that ten Palestinians were arrested during the raid and brought to Israel.  IDF stated that the raid was in response to shooting near the border and to prevent future attacks.

For more information, please see:
AFP – Israel Threatens Retaliation After Gaza Violence – 10 April 2008

Associated Press – Gaza Gunmen Kill 2 in Southern Israel – 10 April 2008

The Independent – Hamas Blamed After Two Israelis Killed at Fuel Depot – 10 April 2008

International Herald Tribune – Gaza Fuel Depot Closed After Militants from Gaza Kill Two Israelis in Border Attack – 10 April 2008

Jerusalem Post – Israel Closes Nahal Oz Crossing Following Terror Attack – 10 April 2008

Middle East Online – Israel Says to ‘Settle the Score’ with Hamas – 10 April 2008

The Telegraph – Two Israelis Die in Battle at Fuel Depot – 10 April 2008

Al Jazeera – Palestinians in Cross-Border Raid – 9 April 2008

BBC – Gaza Gunmen Attack Border Depot – 9 April 2008

Author: Impunity Watch Archive