By Hannah Stewart
Impunity Watch Reporter, Africa

LUSAKA, Zambia — Paul Kasonkomona, a prominent gay and lesbian rights activist was arrested in Zambia after appearing on a live television calling for same-sex relations to be decriminalized.  He has been charged with “inciting the public to take part in indecent activities.”

Kasonkomona remains detained as police await further instructions. (Photograph Courtesy of Muvi Television)

Reports state that the police tried to stop the interview and take Kasonkomona off-air, but the producers and station management refused.  Plainclothes policemen apprehended Kasonkomona as he attempted to leave the station with colleagues, including a lawyer.  Muvi TV reports that Kasonkomona was transported to Woodlands Police Station for interrogation.

Homosexual acts are still illegal in Zambia, a traditionally conservative nation where many people believe that homosexuality violates their religious beliefs.

Offenses such as sodomy, or sex between women, carry a minimum sentence of 15 years or a maximum of life.  Specifically the Zambian Penal Code states that, “any person who has carnal knowledge of any person against the order of nature . . .  commits a felony” and can be imprisoned “for a term not less than 15 years and may be liable to imprisonment for life.”

Moreover, “any male who, whether in public or private, commits any act of gross indecency with a male . . . commits a felony and is liable, upon conviction, to imprisonment for a term not less than seven years and not exceeding 14 years.”

Kasonkomona, who calls himself a human rights activist, has called upon the government factions to harmonize their obligations and to protect gay rights.  As such, he has said that LGBTQ rights are like any other form of human rights, which should be respected at all cost

A group of same-sex couples attempted to register their marriages in Lusaka last week, but they were stopped by authorities and threatened with arrest.  However, the European Union last month offered financial support for organizations that seek to promote the rights of gay people in Zambia

For more information, please see:

All Africa – Zambia: Gay Rights Activist Arrested at Muvi TV – 8 April 2013

BBC – Zambia Gay Rights Activist Paul Kasonkomona Arrested – 8 April 2013

Digital Journal – Zambia Gay Rights Activist Arrested – 8 April 2013

The Global Post – Zambia Gay Rights Activist Arrested – 8 April 2013

Author: Impunity Watch Archive