By Dylan Takores
Impunity Watch Reporter, Middle East

JERUSALEM, Israel – The United Nations Relief and Work Agency (UNRWA) reopened its food distribution centers in the Gaza Strip after Palestinian leaders assured the safety of Agency workers.

Sit-in at UNRWA Gaza center. (Photo Courtesy of AFP)

The UNRWA operates several centers in the Gaza Strip that provide food and humanitarian relief to approximately 800,000 impoverished Palestinians refugees.  However, protests that began on April 4 forced the Agency to temporarily shut down operations in an effort to protect the safety of its workers.

Hundreds of Palestinian refugees staged protests outside the centers following an announcement that program funds will be severely cut back.  The UNRWA explained that it can no longer afford to provide cash assistance to some 21,000 families in Gaza while still operating educational facilities.

The Agency struggles with a $67.2 million deficit in funding.  Rising costs in education and increased enrollment place further pressure on the already strained Agency budget.  Robert Turner, the UNRWA’s head of operations in Gaza, defended the Agency’s decision in a statement to IRIN: “There was simply no way to continue the cash program and also continue to provide high-quality education.”

The UNRWA refused to reopen its facilities until the safety of its workers was guaranteed.  Agency spokesman Chris Gunness stated that the Agency understands the frustration and pressure placed on the Palestinian people as a result of heightened Israeli blockades.  However, “UNRWA must ensure the safety and security of its staff.”

Violent protests ensued after the UNRWA’s announcement, but Gunness said that the Agency decided to reopen its facilities because “different local parties” assured that the property and its workers will not be harmed.  Hamas spokesman Sami Abu Zuhri condemned the violence against the Agency, but also described the closure as unjustified.

Hamas deployed police at Agency centers to prevent a resurgence of violence.  Abu Zuhri told a local media station, “We are providing appropriate conditions for UNRWA’s work.”  The Agency regretted that it was forced to close operations, but stated that if its workers are further endangered, it will shut down operations once again.

The cutback will save the Agency approximately $5.5 million per year.  In return, the Agency will offer job programs to the most poor and needy families in Gaza.


For further information, please see:

BBC – UN reopens Gaza food centres after compound attack – 9 April 2013

IRIN – UN reopens food distribution centers in Gaza – 9 April 2013

The Jordan Times – UN reopens Gaza food distribution centers – 8 April 2013

Ynet – UN agency reopens Gaza food distribution centers – 8 April 2013

Author: Impunity Watch Archive