By Madeline Schiesser
Impunity Watch Reporter, Europe

ATHENS, Greece – Police were called in on Thursday morning to break-up a food distribution event catering exclusively to Greeks and run by ultra-nationalist party, Golden Dawn, in Syntagma Square, across from Parliament.

Members of Golden Dawn hand out food outside Athens party headquarters after Mayor Kaminis forced them to move their Greek-only food distribution from Syntagma Square. (Photo Courtesy of Kathimerini)

About 200 members of the fascist political party, Golden Dawn, dressed in black tee-shirts, arrived earlier than announced and began distributing bags of food for the Greek Orthodox Easter Holiday to only people who had identity cards proving their status as Greek nationals.  This policy ensured that no non-Greek immigrants or migrants could receive the handouts.

The Greek-only food distribution in the social and cultural heart of Athens violated a municipal ban, and riot police were called in to close down the food pantry.  The police prevented Golden Dawn’s truck from unloading and in the resulting scuffle between police and party members, the police used riot shields and pepper spray to repel party members who fought back with thick wooden poles still attached to rolled up Greek flags.

Eventually, the Golden Dawn members moved their distribution site to party headquarters in a different Athens neighborhood.  Traditional Easter foods including potatoes, lamb, eggs, and sweets were distributed.

Last year, Golden Dawn also operated the Easter soup kitchen in Syntagma Square.  However, this year, after the party announced Wednesday that there would again be a food distribution this year, Athens Mayor Giorgos Kaminis publicly vowed to stop the “hate-filled” event.  Kaminis further explained that the event, in addition to being “arbitrary, racist and illegal” was not permitted because Golden Dawn had failed to seek permission from the City of Athens.

Concerning shutting down the food pantry, Kaminis later stated, “What happened today is a victory for the democratic state.” He continued, “Thuggery will not prevail in this city as long as I am mayor.”

Kaminis also said that the municipality of Athens feeds about 9,000 people a day at its own soup kitchens.  He further asserted the authority of the city: “Syntagma Square will never be used again by anyone to hand out goods. This square belongs to the city’s residents. Only the municipality can decide how it is used.”

Later in the day, Kaminis was at a municipal charity distribution center when a Golden Dawn deputy and MP, Giorgos Germenis, attempted to punch Kaminis and to draw a handgun, according to Kaminis.  Germenis’ punch landed on a 12-year-old girl, who suffered some bruising, and Germenis was apprehended by security before he could harm anyone else.

Of the incident, Kaminis commented, “The only thing these people know is the language of violence.”

Golden Dawn has seen a surge in popularity in the past year as Greece has faced increased unemployment and harsh austerity measures.  Blaming immigrants for Greece’s financial woes, the party has pledged to rid the country of foreigners—a promise some Greeks find increasingly appealing as jobs become harder to find.

One pensioner explained why he accepted the Golden Dawn handouts: “I couldn’t afford to have Easter this year, so I came here to get some food so I could sort of celebrate it.  I don’t know if people can be satisfied with this, but I know I’m not happy about it.  We used to be able to enjoy the Easter holiday, but now we don’t.”

Golden Dawn has avowed that its food distribution was completely legal on Wednesday, and cited how agricultural producers often hold similar events in the capital.  The party went on to claim that Kaminis was elected “with the votes of migrants.”

Head of the Golden Dawn parliamentary group, MP Christos Pappas, asserted the legitimacy of the food handout: “We organized a completely legal food handout here in the center of Athens to hand out food and help struggling people during the holidays.  The Mayor of Athens disagreed.  He thinks Syntagma Square is for immigrants, junkies, and anarchists, but we tell him no, the center of Athens, Syntagma Square, belongs to Greeks.”

Meanwhile, controversy over Golden Dawn continues.  While some Greeks praise the party for cleaning up neighborhoods, others condemn them as thugs.  Nevertheless, this once-marginal group, which bears a swastika-like emblem, but rejects the neo-Nazi label, is now Greece’s third-most popular party, having won 18 out of 300 seats in Parliament last year.

For further information, please see:

Al Jazeera – Police Shut Down Greek-Only Soup Kitchen – 2 May 2013

Guardian – Athens: Golden Dawn’s ‘Greek-Only’ Food Handout Shut Down – Video – 2 May 2013

Kathimerini – Athens Mayor Attacked After Police Stops Golden Dawn Handout – 2 May 2013

Kathimerini – Athens Mayor Hails Efforts to Stop Golden Dawn Handing out Food as Victory for ‘Democratic State’ – 2 May 2013

Kathimerini – Police uses Tear Gas to Prevent Golden Dawn Handing out Food in Central Athens – 2 May 2013

Telegraph – Golden Dawn’s ‘Greeks Only’ Soup Kitchen Ends in Chaos – 2 May 2013

Author: Impunity Watch Archive