By Kathryn Maureen Ryan

Impunity Watch Reporter, Middle East

CAIRO, Egypt–According to the White House, the United States is planning to cut hundreds of millions of dollars in military aid to Egypt. The move appears to be a direct response to the Egyptian military’s violent crackdown on supporters of the Muslim Brotherhood. However, despite the uptick in violence the United States will maintain some military aid to the Egyptian state.

A riot police officer moves into position during clashes with protesters on October 6 in Cairo Egypt. (photo Courtesy of CNN)

The Obama administration has already made some cuts to Egyptian military aid. In August the Administration cut aid in response to the violent clashes between activists in protest camps and military security forces that followed the overthrow of President Morsy in July.

Despite the violence the Obama Administration has so far mainlined its relationship with Egypt sense President Morsy was removed from power on 3 July. The Administration yet to label the removal of Egyptian President Mohamed Morsy from office a military Coup which would regime the administration to cut all aid to the country except humanitarian aid. State Department spokeswoman Jen Psaki said in a statement that “as a result of the review directed by President Obama, we have decided to maintain our relationship with the Egyptian government, while recalibrating our assistance to Egypt to best advance our interests.”

The administration’s decision to halt a $260 million cash transfer to Egypt and suspend the sale of military systems, including the F-16 aircraft, M1A1 tank parts, Harpoon anti-ship missiles and Apache helicopters may single a changing tide in US relations with Egypt.

Despite criticism of the Egyptian Military’s violent tactics to suppress the views of the Muslim Brotherhoods and other Islamist groups in the state The US will maintain some Military aid to Egypt. According to a senior US official that will be earmarked to allow the state to uphold its obligations under its peace treaty with the State of Israel. Egypt has been involved counterterrorism and security efforts in the Sinai Peninsula where attacks have escalated during the months since Morsy was removed from power. The United States will also maintain non-military funding that earmarked for the promotion of democratization in Egypt.

The Obama Administration’s announcement comes as the death toll in Egypt counties to rise as the military violently cracks down on supporters of ousted President Mohamed Morsy and anti-government protesters. At least 51 people were killed across the country Sunday during a day of protests led by supporters of the Muslim Brotherhood. The Interim government has essentially returned the Muslim Brotherhood to the illegal status it held during the regime of Hosni Mubarak, an Egyptian court banned the activities of the Muslim Brotherhood and froze the organization’s financial assets.

For more information please see:

Al Jazeera – Egypt Sets November Trial Date for Morsi – 9 October 2013

CNN – U.S. to Cut Some Military Aid to Egypt After Coup, Turmoil – 9 October 2013

CNN – U.S. Suspends Significant Military Aid to Egypt – 9 October 2013

The New York Times – Obama Expected To Reduce Military Aid to Egypt – 9 October 2013

Author: Impunity Watch Archive