Michael P. Scharf
War Crimes Prosecution Watch |
Volume 09 – Issue 10 August 11, 2014 |
Editor in Chief
Peter BeardsleyManaging Editors
Emily Gibbons
Madeline JackSenior Technical Editor
Morgan KearseWar Crimes Prosecution Watch is a bi-weekly e-newsletter that compiles official documents and articles from major news sources detailing and analyzing salient issues pertaining to the investigation and prosecution of war crimes throughout the world. To subscribe, please email and type “subscribe” in the subject line.
Opinions expressed in the articles herein represent the views of their authors and are not necessarily those of the War Crimes Prosecution Watch staff, the Case Western Reserve University School of Law or Public International Law & Policy Group.
Central African Republic & Uganda
- All Africa: CAR Government Steps Down As Part of Peace Deal
- International Justice Monitor: Judge Orders Prosecutor to Provide Details of Payments to Witnesses in Bemba Trial
- Press TV: Libya can try ex-Gaddafi spy chief: ICC
- International Criminal Court: Statement of the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court, Fatou Bensouda, in Relation to the Escalating Violence in the Situation in Libya
Cote d’Ivoire (Ivory Coast)
- International Center for Transitional Justice: Beyond Consultations – Reparative Justice in Cote d’Ivoire Must Respond to Victims’ Needs
- Hirondelle News Agency: Gbagbo Plans to Appeal Confirmation of Charges, Rwandan Ex-Senator’s Judgment Postponed
- AlJazeera: Ivory Coast Struggles with Reconciliation
International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda
Court of Bosnia & Herzegovina, War Crimes Chamber
- Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina: The Accused in Edhem Godinjak et al. Pled Not Guilty
- Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina: Indictment Confirmed in the Case v. Marijan Brnjić et al.
- Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina: Indictment Confirmed in the Case v. Blagoja Vlačić
- Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina: Custody of Blagoja Vlačić Terminated and Prohibiting Measures Ordered
- Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina: Execution of Prison Sentence in the Case v. Šefik Alić Suspended
International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia
Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia
- The Phnom Penh Post: KRT’s Second Sub-trial to Begin
- Khmer Times: Khmer Rouge Lawyers Call for Government Officials to Testify
- Al Jazeera: UN Paves Way for Khmer Rouge Genocide Trial
- The Diplomat: Pol Pot’s Chief Henchmen Face Genocide Charges
- Shanghai Daily: UN-backed Cambodian Tribunal Ready to Pronounce Verdict for 2 Top Khmer Rouge Leaders
- The New York Times: 2 Khmer Rouge Leaders are Convicted in Cambodia
Iraqi High Tribunal
Special Tribunal for Lebanon
Bangladesh International Crimes Tribunal
- The Daily Star: Trial at Closing Stage
- The Daily Star: War Crimes Links of Qaisar Proved
- The Daily Star: Subhan Linked to Mass Killing
War Crimes Investigations in Burma
United States
- The Washington Post: Obama Announces Expanded Sanctions Against Russia as E.U. Aligns
- Politico: Judge: ‘Apparent’ Duty to Release Guantánamo Prisoners at Afghanistan War’s End
- Reuters: U.S. Military Team in Ukraine to Help Airliner Crash Probe
- The New York Times: Secret Papers Describe Size of Terror Lists Kept by U.S.
- The Washington Post:Al-Qaeda Offshoot Islamic State Expands its Reach into Lebanon as Tensions Rise
- The Washington Post: In Nigeria, Campaign Against Boko Haram Militants Brings Fears of Military Excesses
South & Central America
Gender-Based Violence
- The Daily Mail: Doctor and Second Man Accused of Being Involved in Female Genital Mutilation Plead Not Guilty as They Appear in Court
- Reuters: Court Ruling Attacks Guatemala For Failure to Tackle Crimes Against Women
- Nehanda Radio: Kereke Appeals Against Rape Prosecution
- India West: Amnesty Urges India Not to Amend Juvenile Act to Fight Rape
UN Reports
- Business Standard: ISIS May be Added to UN War Crimes List
- UN News Centre: Eastern Ukraine: UN Rights Chief Says Downing of Plane May Be ‘War Crime,’ Urges Probe
- BBC News: Downing of MH17 Jet in Ukraine ‘May Be War Crime’ – UN
- Amnesty International: Israel/Gaza: Attack on UN School in Gaza a Potential War Crime that Must be Investigated
- The Guardian: Tamil Asylum Seekers Moved to Nauru
- Reuters: Ecuador: U.N. Says Sri Lanka Illegally Returning Pakistani Asylum Seekers
- The Huffington Post: Libya: What Would Jesus Say?
- Pughkeepsie Journal: Froma Harrop: Lack of control sparks immigration fears
- New York Law Journal: Refugee From Nepal Given Second Chance to Seek Asylum
UN Reports
- The New Indian Express: Sri Lanka Probe has Started, Claims UN
- Today’s Zaman: UN Warns of War Crimes as ISIL Allegedly Executes 1,700
- Zee News: Sri Lanka Parliament Rejects UN War Probe
- Associated Press: UN Fails to Bring Sudan’s Leader to Justice: International Criminal Court
- The Voice of Russia: UN Places Blame on Ukraine’s Gov’t for War Crimes
- Global Post: UN Chief Demands Arms Embargo on Syria
NGO Reports
- The Himalayan: Malla’s Status Delays TRC Panel’s Progress
- IRIN: Little Hope of Justice for Nepal’s War-Time Rape Survivors
South Africa
Sri Lanka
- Justice in Conflict: In Palestine, R2P Isn’t Dead. It Could Never Have Existed
- Justice in Conflict: Gaza and Israel – A Case for International Humanitarian Law, Not R2P
- Justice in Conflict: R2P Isn’t a Useful Framework for Gaza – Or Anything
- Justice in Conflict: Both Israel and Hamas have a Responsibility to Protect Civilians
- Opinio Juris: Can Israel Cut Off Water and Power to Gaza?
- Just Security: Road Map II: Legal Avenues to Prosecute a US Citizen for War Crimes—The Case of Gotabaya Rajapaksa
- Opinio Juris: Israel’s Use of Law and Warnings in Gaza
- Just Security: Laying the Groundwork for Syrian War Crimes Trials
- Opinio Juris: The Use of Human Shields and International Criminal Law
- Opinio Juris: Joint Declaration Charging Legal Violations in Israel’s Gaza Offensive
- Just Security: A Primer on the Laws of War that Apply to the Gaza Conflict
- Opinio Juris: Emerging Voices: The Contribution of International Criminal Tribunals and Courts to the Development and Promotion of International Human Rights Law
- Opinio Juris: Three Thoughts on the OTP’s Rejection of Jurisdiction over the Situation in Palestine
- Lawfare: Libya Chaos Means a Backward Step for Responsibility to Protect
- Just Security: Has Hamas Overplayed Its Lawfare Strategy?
- EJIL: Talk!: Towards a New Global Treaty on Crimes Against Humanity
- Opinio Juris: Bar Human Rights Committee of England and Wales Asks OTP to Investigate Gaza
- EJIL: Talk!: Article 12(2)(a) Rome Statute: The Missing Piece of the Jurisdictional Puzzle
- Opinio Juris: More on Morsi’s Shadow on Palestine’s ICC Efforts