“Last night Russia entered a new and dark phase in its slide toward
totalitarian dictatorship with the murder of Boris Nemtsov. Previously, the
Putin regime relied primarily on imprisonment and exile to silence its
critics. Now, they have started murdering them. I’m sure this won’t be the
Putin regime relied primarily on imprisonment and exile to silence its
critics. Now, they have started murdering them. I’m sure this won’t be the
Boris Nemtsov was one of the few people in Russia who wasn’t afraid to
stand up to the corruption, illegitimatacy and impunity of the Putin regime
and for that he paid with his life. I will always remember how Boris went
around the world calling for justice for the murder of Sergei Magnitsky and
demanding Western sanctions against his killers. It is now our duty to do
the same for Boris.
I have no confidence in any Russian investigation into his death because
the Putin regime proved its incapacity to do this with the cover up of the
Magnitsky murder.
I can only hope that Boris Nemtsov’s legacy will ultimately bring about the
democratic change in Russia he worked his whole life to achieve.
May Boris rest in peace.”