Charles Taylor’s new defense team will now have until 7 January 2008 to prepare for the former Liberian president’s war crimes trial. Taylor’s trial began June 4 with prosecution’s opening statements. Taylor boycotted the trial, sending a letter to the judge firing his attorney’s and claiming he wanted to represent himself. He later ended his boycott, appearing in court to demand new attorneys and more money for his defense fund. The court has increased his defense fund and appointed a new defense team headed by Courtney Griffiths of the UK.
Taylor is charged with arming and supporting rebels who murdered thousands of civilians and mutilated thousands more during the 10 year civil war of Sierra Leone, which ended in 2002. Taylor has pleaded not guilty to all charges.
Griffiths argued that the defense team needed more time in order to adequately prepare for his trial. The new defense team was appointed on August 1 and was given access to Taylor’s personal archive last week. Presiding Judge Julia Sebutinde stated that the delay was reasonable “given the complexity of the case with which the new defense team now has to grapple.” The delay was granted during a status conference, one in a series that will occur over the next few months to evaluate the progress of the prosecution and defense in presenting their case.
Human Rights Watch says that its fair for Taylor to receive a delay, given that the prosecution has had years to gather evidence and prepare its case. However, human rights organizations and activists are still inpatient for the trial to begin.
For more information, please see:
AllAfrica – War Crimes Trial of Former Leader Postponed by UN-Backed Court – 20 August 2007
BBC – Taylor Trial Delayed Until 2008 – 20 August 2007
Mercury News – Taylor’s Defense Gains More Time – 20 August 2007
VOA – Court Delays Charles Taylor’s War Crimes Trial Until 2008 – 20 August 2007