By Alok Bhatt
Impunity Watch Reporter, Asia
Azerbaijan law enforcement arrested two bloggers who posted an internet video depicting the nation’s president as a donkey delivering a press conference. Police allegedly apprehended the two individuals for skirmishing at a restaurant. The bloggers, however, claim that the hooliganism charge was a pretense for arresting them for their oppositional political statement.
Emin Abdullayev and Adnan Hazhidzade were sentenced on Wednesday (Nov. 11) to two and two-and-a-half years in prison respectively. The two have been in custody since the incident actually occurred in July. The bloggers’ sentencing incited the criticism of numerous civil rights groups and U.S. officials, who claim that court’s decision signifies significant regression in the path towards democracy-based structure reform.
The U.S. State Department also expressed concern and disfavor towards the two young men’s sentencing. The Department’s spokesperson, Ian Kelly, blatantly berated apparent denial of the bloggers’ rights to a fair hearing, relating that the Azerbaijan courts used questionable investigations and secretive hearings to fabricate the crimes against the bloggers. The U.S. State Department further criticized the disproportionately harsh legal penalties the two bloggers faced, particularly considering a supposed failure to properly detain and charge the two bloggers. Ian Kelly also expressed his concern for the speech rights of Azerbaijan’s citizens.
By disallowing its citizens the right to demonstrate disagreement with the current governmental structure, Azerbaijan denies a fundamental means of expression conducive to sociopolitical reform. Opposition to such speech demonstrates a state’s unwillingness to accept shifts in the dynamic between citizens and the state, which promotes stagnation in political progress.
The defense attorneys for Abdullayev and Hazhidzade assert that the State merely wants to condemn the two youths for their involvement in political activism and dissent groups. Abdullayev himself admitted to experiencing a feeling of profound honor in enduring state sanctions for his beliefs. Despite this pride in accepting punishment, though, the bloggers’ lawyers announced that they will immediately appeal to the European Court of Human Rights.
Activist groups voiced concerns that the arrest of the two bloggers represents the Azerbaijan government’s minor agenda to eliminate political protest within the state. Azerbaijan officials have yet to release statements addressing these allegations.
For more information, please see:
Al-Jazeera – Bloggers jailed in Azerbaijan – 11 November 2009
BBC News – Azerri bloggers given prison terms – 11 November 2009
Worldwide AP – Azerbaijan opposition bloggers sentenced to jail – 11 November 2009