By Brandon Kaufman
Impunity Watch Reporter, Middle East
JERUSALEM, Israel– Israel’s Channel 10 news agency reported that Syria has given Hezbollah more than a quarter of its rocket arsenal, including missiles capable of hitting anywhere in Israel. Israel cites the Kuwaiti al Jaridanewspaper as the source of its report.
A senior Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) source said on Tuesday that Syria has made a strategic decision to make available to Hezbollah every type of military weaponry it has at its disposal. The Israeli report surfaced after an explosion took place in a Hezbollah operative village in which five persons were killed. Following the blast, President Shimon Peres said that Hezbollah was turning Lebanon into a “powder keg,” and the IDF released footage showing apparent arms transfer activity at the home. The IDF photos show persons, possibly Hezbollah operatives, removing something resembling a four meter long missile from the depot, loading it onto a truck and moving it to what is believed to be a hiding place.
Citing this example as Syrian involvement with Hezbollah, the senior IDF source said that weapons are now being smuggled from Syria into Lebanon on a regular basis. As the source explained, “Iran pays, Syria smuggles and Hezbollah receives.”
Israeli security officials believe that Hezbollah has an arsenal of more than 40,000 rockets, many of which are stored at 300 storage facilities spread throughout Shi’ite villages in southern Lebanon. Israeli military sources have said that “Syria feels quite comfortable. There is no international pressure on Damascus to break off its ties with Iran or the ‘axis of evil.’ It pays no price for its role in the smuggling.” The perception in Israel is that Syria is showing a total disregard for the international community by engaging in an escalation of continued military aid to Hezbollah.
The Israeli report also noted that Iranian and Syrian military officers are not only training Hezbollah operatives to use the new missiles, but are also assisting them to set up early warning stations in the Lebanese mountains to alert them when Israeli air force jets enter Lebanese airspace.
Despite the Israeli report however, it is worthwhile to note that the UN Security Council renewed the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon’s (UNIFL) mandate in southern Lebanon a month ago and has not altered the agreement, suggesting that the Security Council considers the peacekeepers efforts there sufficient.
For more information, please see:
Jerusalem Post- Syrian Long Range Missiles in Lebanon– 15 October 2009
United Press International- Report Says Syria Gave Hezbollah Rockets– 15 October 2009
Ha’aretz- Iran Pays, Syria Smuggles, and Hezbollah Receives Weapons– 14 October 2009
Associated Press- Exploding Shell Caused Blast at Hezbollah Home– 13 October 2009