HONIARA, Solomon Islands – Julian Moti was sacked as Solomons Attorney General on Monday, and is expected to be deported to Australia on Thursday (27 December) at the latest, according to Solomons Immigration Department permanent secretary Jeffrey Wickham.
Moti filed an application to stay his deportation, but it has been denied. He argued that since he was granted asylum in the Solomons he should be protected under the Solomons constitution. However, the judge ruled the application out of order since Moti’s asylum protection was dependent on his remaining attorney general and it was clear at the time that the new government intended to remove him from that position.
Still concerned that Moti may attempt to escape, Papua New Guinea has issued an order to its airlines and port authorities that Moti is to be turned away from PNG. Fiji, on the other hand, has made it clear that Moti will be allowed entry should he seek sanctuary in Fiji. Fiji Immigration Director Viliame Naupoto said that Moti has a right to enter Fiji because he was born there.
For more information, please see:
ONE News – Moti loses legal bid to prevent deportation – 23 December 2007
Radio New Zealand International – Moti dumped as Solomons’ Attorney General – deportation process underway – 24 December 2007
The National – PNG bans Moti – 24 December 2007
Fiji Village – Moti has right to come to Fiji – 24 December 2007
The Age – Solomons set to deport Moti – 25 December 2007
For more information on the Moti affair, please see the Impunity Watch reportson Moti’s appointment as attorney general for the Solomons, PNG government involvement in Moti’s escape, the Vanuatu case status, Australia’s extradition attempt and the missing PNG inquiry report, and Moti’s fear of assassination attempts.