The marine officer in charge of the soldiers who are alleged to be responsible for the death of 24 Iraqis in the village of Haditha has had the most serious charges against him dropped.
The charges of unpremeditated murder have been dropped. However, Staff Sgt. Frank Wuterich still faces charges of voluntary manslaughter for the killings that were committed by his marines.
Wuterich’s lawyer, Neal Puckett, viewed the reduction of evidence of their client’s claim that the marine officer’s orders were justifiable responses in accordance with the situation of a roadside bomb. “We are confident that a military jury will acquit Staff Sgt. Wuterich of all remaining charges, because he is, in fact, not guilty.” (Washington Post)
For more information, please see:
Washington Post- Marine Faces Reduced Charges in Iraq Killings- 1 January 2008