By Stephen Kopko
Impunity Watch Reporter, North America
BAGHDAD, Iraq – Last month, United States Major General Anthony Cucolo issued a statement saying that troops under his command in Iraq would be subject to court martial if they were found to be pregnant or that they have impregnated a women. This week, Cucolo issued a statement that he would never actually subject a violator of the the regulation to a trial but wanted to echo the seriousness of the situation.
General Cucolo commands more than 22,000 troops in Iraq. The troops under his command are stationed throughout the northern provinces in Iraq. This includes cities such as Tikrit, Kirkuk, and Mosul. Of the 22,0000 troops under Cucolo’s command, 1,682 are female.
The military has a policy of sending women home within fourteen days after finding out they are pregnant. The levels of troops within the ranks are lessened by sending these women home in the time of war. This diminishing of the troops within units places strain and stress on the unit to compensate for those who are are sent home to the United States because of the pregnancy.
According to army regulations, each commander of a unit has the option to create supplemental rules that govern the unit troops. Each general is not allowed to lessen the rules of the General Order but can add rules to the General Order. Cucolo stated that his order of court martialing pregnant women and the men who are also involved was implemented after great consultation. He stated that he consulted with his commanders, lawyers, and two female soldiers before implementing the regulation. The two female officers supported the measure fully.
Since coming out with the order, General Cucolo has faced a great deal of criticism. National Organization of Women’s president, Terry O’Neil stated that she is going to lobby Defense Secretary Robert Gates and President Obama to change the order. She likened the order to the discrimination perpetuated against women in the 1800’s. Also, four U.S. Senators have written letters to General Cucolo asking him to rescind the order. The letters state “We can think of no greater deterrent to women contemplating a military career than the image of a pregnant women being severely punished simply for conceiving a child.” The letter was signed by Senator Barbara Boxer, Senator Barbara Mikulski, Senator Jeanne Shaheen and Senator Kirsten Gillibrand.
For more information, please see:
ABC – Four Senators Demand General Rescind Order on Pregnant Soldiers – 22 December 2009
CNN – Pregnant Soldiers Won’t be Court-Martialed, Commander Says – 22 December 2009
MSNBC – General: No Trials of Pregnant Soldiers in Iraq – 22 December 2009