Lull in Violence Allows Israeli and Gazan Leaders to Talk

By Laura Zuber
Impunity Watch Senior Desk Officer, Middle East

CAIRO, Egypt – Since Israel pulled out its ground forces on March 3, there has been a significant decrease of violence in Gaza.  The Israeli Defense Force has not conducted an air strike in Gaza since late March 7.  Also, Hamas claims that they have launched no rockets during the same period.  Palestinian and Egyptian officials credit this decrease in violence to ongoing talks between two militant groups in Gaza, Hamas and the Islamic Jihad, and Israel.

Various leaders of Hamas and the Islamic Jihad have been meeting in Cairo with Egyptian mediators.  Also, There are reports that US and Israeli officials have been talking with Egyptian mediators.  The New York Times reported Amos Gilad, a senior Israeli defense official, met with Egyptian officials in Cairo on March 9.

Palestinian officials, from both Hamas and Fatah, indicated that the talks will result in a ceasefire.  Mahmoud Abbas, the President of the Palestinian Authority, said “with the developments in Egypt, I think there is an agreement in principle on that and a deal might be reached in the coming few days.”

Ismail Haniyeh, the former prime minister of the Palestinian Authority, stated that Hamas “will help the Egyptian leadership to reach a reciprocal and simultaneous truce that will at the same time lead to the lifting of the blockade imposed on the Palestinian people.”

Despite comments from Palestinians and Egyptian officials, Israeli Prime Minister Olmert insisted “there is no deal, there are no negotiations, either direct or indirect.”  Olmert credits the relative peace to a lull in rocket attacks aimed at Israel; “if the Qassams stop landing … Israel will have no reason to fight the terror organizations there… We will have no reason to retaliate.”

It is reported that the Hamas and Islamic Jihad have three main demands.  First, the groups want the siege on Gaza lifted, which means an end to the blockade and military operations in Gaza.  Second, they want the Rafah border crossing into Egypt re-opened.  Third, they want guarantees that Israel will not target their leaders.

The main Israeli demands are that barrage of rockets attacks against Israel ends and that militants do not use the ceasefire as an opportunity to smuggle weapons into Gaza.

In related news, on March 9, Israeli Prime Minister Olmert approved construction for 750 housing units in East Jerusalem.  Contrary to the views of the international community, Israel draws a distinction between settlements in the East Jerusalem and the West Bank.  Since Israel holds that Jerusalem is the unified capital of Israel, it does not view settlements in East Jerusalem as violating international law.

However, UN Secretary General, Ban Ki-moon called on Israel to halt any plans for construction and stated that “any settlement expansion is contrary to Israel’s obligations under the Road Map and to international law.”  Also, while US officials did not directly speak out against the decision, a US State Department spokesman said that the decision was “not helpful to the process” of achieving peace.

Al Jazeera suggests that the ultra-Orthodox Shas party, a key coalition partner, pressured Olmert to make the decision by threatening to quit the government unless the construction was approved.  On March 6, eight Israelis were killed when a Palestinian gunman infiltrated the Mercaz Harav yeshiva in West Jerusalem.  The school is a strong supporter of settlement expansion.  During the funerals following the attack, many religious leaders spoke out against Olmert and the ongoing peace talks with Abbas.  Olmert’s decision may be in reaction to the March 6 attack and the domestic political tensions it created.

For more information, please see:
New York Times – Talks, but no Truce, Accompany Lull in Gaza Violence – 11 March 2008

AFP – Israel, Hamas Hold Fire in Gaza – 10 March 2008

Al Jazeera – Hamas and Israel in Truce Mediation – 10 March 2008

Associated Press – US: Israeli Housing Move Unhelpful – 10 March 2008

CNN – UN Blasts Israel for West Bank Housing Expansion Plan – 10 March 2008

Reuters – Uneasy Lull Between Israeli Army and Gaza Militants – 10 March 2008

UN News Centre – As Israel Approves New Settlement Housing, UN’s Ban Ki-moon Calls for Halt – 10 March 2008

Al Jazeera – Olmert Backs Settlement Expansion – 9 March 2008

Author: Impunity Watch Archive